Thursday, April 1, 2010


Meet Miss Chloe


She is the newest addition to our family. As many of you know Izzy has been BEGGING for a puppy for well over a year. We first told her "when you are 5" and then "when we move". About two weeks ago Izzy and I saw a cute little boy toy/teacup poodle and I told Izzy if he was still around when we got back from our trip to Charleston/Myrtle Beach (more on that trip and how it was cut short by the flu in another post) then we could get him.

We got home Tuesday night and on Wednesday we got Chloe. Chloe is NOT the male poodle. After research I decided a Bichon would be a better fit for our family. We looked at both a male and female and went with the female.

She has seamlessly blended into our family. And for all of those who said she can't replace my desire for another baby - you may be wrong! I know we have only had her for 36 hours but she is PERFECT! She is so mellow and easy going - which is just what I need since I feel my world is one big cluster of chaos these days. She has yet to have an accident in the house (granted we spent the entire day outside) and has only chewed one non-puppy toy.

Welcome to our family Little Miss Chloe~


Kristin said...

From the video it's NOT an April Fools! :) j/k!

I've known some Bichon's in my life. Seems like a great dog! Your kids are going to love having a pet.

Christie said...

She is so cute! I have heard great things about Bichons....have fun with the new family member.

~aj~ said...

Some of our closest friends have a Bichon and it's just PRECIOUS!

I bet Izzy is in HEAVEN!

Anonymous said...

Your puppy is so cute, but isn't Pete all hive-y?? He used to be so allergic to dogs!
Are these hypo-allergenic?
Love to you all
Aunt Sue
word verification: perman
Sentence usage:
Dude you're wondering how'd my hair get so curly? It's a perman!