Monday, April 19, 2010

Izzy's 5 Year Well Check Up

Better late then never, right? Due to Izzy breaking her leg at her 4th birthday party, we had to postpone her 4 year well visit. Because of that delay she wasn't able to have her 5 year well visit until now (it had to be at least one year plus a day after her last visit).

Onto her stats:
37.02 lbs. (up from 34 last year)
41.5 inches (up from 37.25 last year)
BMI 50% (down from 75% last year)

So...she has grown more then she has gained...hence her looking longer and leaner to us.

After her weight/height she was tested for depth perception
It was a card that she had to look at and see if any pictures "jumped" out at her.

She also did a hearing and vision test. Her hearing was perfect and her vision was fine as well...though her right eye is slightly stronger then the left.
Izzy was aware that she would be getting 5 shots and then not need anymore until age 11. Drew kept saying, "If Izzy does a good job can we go look at the toys aisle at Target? ...and maybe get a little toy?" What a little punk, no?

While we waited for the doctor we made some silly faces.

I also turned the camera loose and let the kids use it so they messed with the settings...that might explain some of the coloring of some of the photos.

So often I am asked, "Are they twins"...


As they get older, and with Drew's new haircut, they are certainly looking more like twins.

After we got home Izzy asked me, "Mom, do I really not get shots again until I am 11 or were you just saying that to make me feel better?"
I was happy to tell her that I didn't make that little stat up, but she would not need anymore shots until she is 11!!!

*Oh, and I want to add that when the doctor came in the room and had Izzy take her clothes off down to her panties, Drew did the same. The doctor asked Drew why he was disrobing and he said, "I don't know? Cause Izzy is." Monkey see. Monkey do. ...and those two just like to be naked. I have pictures but figure that photobucket would take them down if I tried to post them.