Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Halloween was extra busy this year.

It seems that this year I am room mom for both the kids. Thankfully Izzy's Halloween party was on Friday (as was her field day) and Drew's was on Monday, Halloween.

For Izzy's class we had 4 stations of crafts/activities for the kids to do. One was to decorate a mesh trick-or-treat bag with cool markers. Another activity involved silly stickers used for decorating cardboard pumpkins. Perhaps the favorite was decorating a pumpkin shaped cookie. And the last one involved scratching the surface off of various cutouts and underneath the "drawing" was a sparkly design - hard to explain.


We also had a snack table for which I made "mummy" juice boxes and pumpkin shaped cheese. I also bought bat/pumpkin shaped pretzels and someone else provided a fruit tray.


The kids in Izzy's class where so well behaved, and so mellow compared to the parties last year. I think having field day prior helped tire them out.

Drew's class party was lots of fun. The kids were all dressed in costume and super excited for the first class party of the year. My co-party helper picked up Chic-fil-A nuggets and then I provided the same "mummy" juice boxes and pretzels that I did for Izzy's class. I also did apple slices and carmel dip. And for dessert I did a spider web cupcake cake. It was super easy and I knew it didn't need to be perfect for a preschool class. The kids thought is was awesome...which made me feel really good.


This is a picture of Drew, his buddy Jack, and Ansley (who will also live in our new neighborhood). How cute is Ansley dressed as Spiderman? When we saw her later that night she had green hair :)


Tonight we went to a "kickoff to trick or treating party" at Drew's best buddy's house. I think I have also mentioned that Drew's best buddy lives 4 doors away from our new house. We were able to meet so many of our soon to be neighbors and as if we weren't already excited to move, we are now even more so! It is a small pocket neighborhood of two streets and everyone we met is super friendly and seems to have kids between 2-8 years of age.


Just before we left for the party, we were able to get a picture with Nikki...our current "backyard" neighbor. Look how sweet the girls look as a pink poodle and a bumble bee. And then there is Drew as Boba Fett with gun a'blazin.


Izzy, Averie, and our directly next door new neighbor, also Avery.

"Directly next door Avery" (as to not to be confused with Izzy's best friend Averie who lives at the end of the street), Berkley (who is in Izzy's class and live across the street from our new house), and Carsyn (Drew's best buddy, Jack's big sister who lives 4 doors away).

PiƱata time. Izzy's hits it with a bat...

And Drew whacks it with his Boba Fett gun.

The kids had so much fun trick or treating in our "soon to be" new 'hood and we are SO looking forward to moving there! ...have I mentioned that the neighbors are already planning a welcoming oyster roast for us?


Kelly said...

Oh, geez...we have father/son Boba Fett and Jango Fett costumes in the basement from last year. If Drew wants to be a ninja next year, let me know!

~aj~ said...

Great job with all the party stuff! I want to hear more about your new 'hood. When will you move? I know you must be excited!