Friday, May 9, 2008

Do you know what a Turandot is?

If it makes you feel better, I didn't either...

Let me start out by saying the house we currently live in has some beautiful landscaping. Looking back, I am not really sure what Pete and I were thinking when we bought it? We moved from Denver where we had no lawn to a beautiful acre lot filled with big trees, a creek, and lots of plants/flowers. Neither Pete nor I have a green thumb between us. We don't even mow our own lawn! is not because we don't want to or because we are so insanely rich we have money to just throw away :) Pete works very hard and extremely long hours so for him to take time away from his family on the weekends for lawncare seemed silly. I would gladly cut the lawn if I had time, but with Drew and Izzy keeping me busy it would never get done.

So, back to a Turandot. This is a beautiful plant that is also known as a Camellia japonicca - spring blossom. All I know is that last year I hastefully decided to pull out three rose bushes because they aren't conducive to having small children. This left me with a patch of dirt at the top of our driveway that needed to be filled. So, one day I saw a beautiful full blossomed plant at the playground and figured that could work for my bare spot. I just needed to figure out what the heck it was called? Thankfully my neighbor owns a nursery so when I said to him, "I saw this plant about yee high, with big beautiful blossoms" he was ble to figure out what I was talking about. So Jeff brought me three turandots home and today Izzy and I planted them!

Here is Izzy helping me put some soil in one of the holes, and then watering the finished product.

So we have planted a total of three and Jeff has assured me that I can't kill them. I will show him - I can't keep anything alive!

You ask what was Drew doing during this horticultural extravaganza? He was sitting in my car watching Backyardigans. I put the tv's in the car a couple weeks ago when we were on a long drive and have yet to take them out so he is obsessed with watching tv in my car. So, he was in the car which was parked next to where Izzy and I were planting.

Now we will just have to wait and see how long before the turandots either bloom or die. Anyone want to take bets?