Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Girl Fight

Okay, so it wasn't a "girl fight" per say, but rather an argument between two three year old girls. Izzy and Delaney had what was their first real disagreement today where both insisted that they were correct. Here's how it went down...

I was downstairs cleaning up lunch dishes when both girls were yelling to me from the top of the stairs. Izzy being the sensitive one was in near tears, so I raced up the stairs to see what was wrong. I didn't race because I was worried, but rather I didn't want the escalating noise to wake sleeping Drew.

I "shhhh'ed" the girls back into Izzy's room and asked what was wrong. Both started speaking immediately and tried to talk over one another's voice. I got to the bottom of the fight and here's how it went down.

-Izzy calls it a somersault
-Delaney calls it a forward roll

..both girls insisted that they were right because that is what each girls mommy told them. I had to explain that both terms are in fact correct. You've got to love that 3 year old girls take their mommy's word to be gospel. It reminds me of the time that Delaney walked into the bathroom upstairs that I give the kids a bath in and all the bath toys were in the tub from the night before...Delaney said to Izzy "this place is a mess" to which Izzy responded "No it isn't, my mommy just cleaned the toilet". You go Izzy! She was right, I had cleaned the toilet that morning. Delaney was right too as the tub was a mess :)

After we all agreed that some things are known by more than one name we continued on with lots of fun girlie play. We had a tea party, played dance competition, and party games. Then we came downstairs and watch Izzy's new Strawberry Shortcake video while we did play-doh. Here are some pics...

I am having a tough time uploading pics so I will have to try again tomorrow.

For those two people aware I "blog"...don't worry I haven't forgotten about my Chicago recap - there are just lots of pictures to sort through. Stay tuned~


Anonymous said...

ok- that is just TOO CUTE!!!
love your blog, wish we were there!