Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

That's right, I said "weekend". When you do things Swyt style you do them up right! In reality the "weekend" part is just my way of trying to draw out this much needed, it should be once a month, holiday. Here are some of the highs, and lows, of the weekend.

Friday night we took our first full family outing to Bruster's. Bruster's is an ice-cream shop that we frequent 2-3 times a week in the warmer months. The kids and I had gone earlier in the week, while Pete was out of town, but now we went back as the complete "cone licking family" that we are! Here are the kids and their good 'ole standby's.

Drew and a vanilla baby cone with sprinkles...

Izzy starts by making sure she qualifies for the free baby scoop (with the purchase of an adult cone)

Although she is still short enough for the free cone, now that she is the whopping 'ole age of 3, she has decided a baby cone simply would not do. So, I ordered her a single scoop and asked them to keep it on the small side.

Saturday we decided to do some shopping in the Boro's finer shopping venue. We started out going to REI to search for a birthday present, or two, or possibly three, for Pete. Then we were going to head to PF Chang's for dinner. Pete found some fun stuff at REI for his birthday. Easy. Done. Now I just have to worry about the cake and some cute gifts from the kiddos. While at REI we got Drew a pair of Crocs. I wish I would have had a video camera for this shoe "discussion" with Drew. Here's how it went(not nearly as good b/c you can't hear his sweet voice):

Me: "Drew, come here and let me take off your shoes. (I take off his shoes and put the Crocs on) Do you like them?"
Drew: (as he is doing his "happy two step shuffle" and spinning around) looks down and says "ohhh kay"

He smiled nonstop as he walked around and climbed the imitation mountain they had in the store. Poor Izzy desperately wanted a pair as well (she does NOT need anymore shoes) but they didn't have a pair in her size - well, not in pink.

We then had to kill one hour until our table was ready at PF Chang's. The kids were melting down quickly and although I really wanted a picture of me with them, this is as good as it got.

make sure to notice Drew's new shoes. At two points during the evening a shoe would slip off and he would scream "my shoooo, my shoooo". When we got home that night he walked around in a diaper and his crocs. He LOVES them!

I will spare you the details of the evening, but at one point I do recall Pete saying "We're done. That's it. Monday morning I am calling a urologist. There is no way we can have a third." Good times, good times. OH, and when we got into the car after dinner the battery was DEAD! It was so awful. We had pushed the kids to the limit as both were due to be in bed already. I don't have AAA (well now I do) and we weren't sure what we were going to do. Thankfully a nice man heard my battery "clicking" as we tried to start the car and was able to jump us. Pete and I figure we were blessed because we returned a pair of lost keys that day as well as stopped to tell a lady her car had a flat tire.

Now onto Sunday morning! MOTHER'S DAY 2008!

A "typical" Sunday morning at the Swyt house has either Pete or myself going to Starbucks for coffee and the Sunday paper. Today Pete went and got me a venti mocha (normally I am a grande gal). When he got home he immediately set to work with the kids to make me some cards.

After that it was onto some presents. First I went on a scavenger hunt for the cards the kids just made. Then I opened the store bought cards and my gifts. From the kids I got a fun picture frame for my desk as well as some square vases that I wanted for my "toy room" remodel that I am working on. They are going to go on the mantel in front of the 18 month pics of both kids I just framed and have hanging over the fireplace - a post for another day. You can see the frame and the vases in the pictures. Also notice how Drew and Izzy did the present opening for me. Christmas this year will be so much fun!

My most wonderful husband gave me the gift of rest and relaxation - an incredibly generous gift certificate for a spa day! It will be an entire afternoon away from my amazing family. An afternoon that I will truly enjoy and one in which I will reflect on how I am the lucky one. It is because of my incredible family that I am even fortunate enough to celebrate Mother's Day.

Oh, so for "my day" I wanted to go for a run and then either get a mani/pedi (with a gift card from Christmas) or go see a movie. Well, while I was running a torrential downpour started. I was at the halfway point of my run so I had no choice but to continue on. When I got home I then found out we were under a tornado warning and then a watch so any plans I had to leave again were no longer going to happen.

We ordered in some dinner; the kids went to bed early and I was able to enjoy an evening with my husband. It was a perfect day...all except for not getting the perfect picture.

We have a very fun filled family outing coming up so I am hoping to get LOTS of great pictures! ...stay tuned to wait and see.