Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Good and The Bad

You can't have the ups without the downs...

So, Pete got sick last night and today we found out he is having some internal bleeding and needed to go to the hospital. What is the good side to that?

I dropped my kids off at my girlfriends house for the afternoon and they did GREAT! For many people this is probably no big deal. ...dropping kids off and all. Well, to me it is huge. My kids don't just go over and play at other peoples houses without me. They are attached to my hip at all times. It is only recently that I began thinking that I could possibly take them to the gym nursery and they *might* be okay. I figure with Izzy there, Drew may be fine.

Ironically tonight I was going to take the kids to the Y nursery while I had my dance class. I really like the lady who is in the childcare room on Thursday nights and thought it would be a good test run. Pete could work out and I would have dance...if the kids got upset or a parent was needed then Pete would be available. Well, with Pete getting sick I thought I still might try, but then all this happened.

So, back to the story. The kids and I dropped Pete off at the doctor and then ran to get doughnuts. When we returned to the doctor's office she called me back and said Pete was bleeding internally and needed to go to the hospital. Our choices: ambulance or me drive him. I quickly called a friend and asked if I could drop the kids off and of course she said yes :) I made a McDonalds run, and then dropped off the kids. I was worried not so much for Izzy, but for Drew. He LOVES his Mama...and not to mention he was about to miss his nap.

After getting Pete situated, I went back to pick up the kids. When I arrived, Drew was wearing a princess pull-up - I hadn't even left a diaper for him, and Izzy had her fingernails and toe nails painted. The house was loud - full of singing Doodlebops and shrieks of laughter. Thankfully my kids behaved. Stephanie appears to be no worse for the wear - certainly nothing a little wine couldn't help. She was kind enough to share a glass of wine with me, and feed me dinner and figure out what else I might need help with. The kids were having so much fun that they didn't even want to leave.

I am so proud of my kids. I am thankful for Izzy and her genuine love for her little brother knowing that she would make sure he was okay while I was gone. I am proud of the brave face Izzy put on even if she wasn't feeling it ...but truly I think she was FINE. I guess it is me who really needs to let go and realize that my kids are okay without their mama around. I need to give them more credit! They really are awesome.

I am so thankful for so many friends who offered to do so much these last few hours. Girlfriends are the BEST! Just knowing that I have friends whom I can call for help and they will drop anything really brings me so much peace and comfort.

Now that I have rambled long enough, I guess I should stop.


Kristin said...

I'm so proud of your kiddos. Hooray! If you were nearby my kids would LOVE to play with yours while you tended to other things.

I'm so sorry to hear something is "up" with Pete. Please keep us posted...I've been praying for him!

~aj~ said...

Awww, your kids did GREAT! And now that you know, you will probably feel a lot better about leaving them with someone else (Like during your dance cool is that?!).

Hope Pete is doing much better today!

Christie said...

I hope Pete is ok! Glad the kiddos were brave for you - you really didn't need any more stress under those circumstances.