Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That Girl

As many moms know, some of the best conversations happen while driving. Today was one of those days. The conversation wasn't earth shattering in any way, just a conversation that I won't forget anytime soon. However, if I do then it is now documented via this blog.

Lately Izzy has been intrigued by male anatomy. More specifically the "peanut" as she calls it. I have told her repeatedly what the correct name is and so I am not sure if she forgets or just chooses to use the word peanut instead?

So today we were driving to dance class and Izzy and Drew were playing with Disney figurines in the back seat. Izzy had Princess Aurora? and Drew had Buzz Lightyear and they were making their characters carry on various conversations. I heard Izzy start to giggle, but for the way the character conversation was going her giggle didn't quite fit. Things got quiet for a minute and Izzy giggled again. So I kind of giggled and asked Izzy why she was giggling. She says to me, "Mom, do you think Buzz has a peanut?" I was kind of taken back and said, "Well, I don't know? He is a toy so I don't think so. ...and for the record it isn't called a peanut, it is called a _____".

Want to know what her response was..."Well, I think since he is a boy then he has a pen!s." She giggles again, then adds, "and I think it is purple." At that point I just laugh and tell her she is crazy. I think what I found funniest was that she thought she was so funny and just giggled out of nowhere.

Thankfully we were at dance and the conversation didn't go any further.

...okay, so I just reread what I wrote and it really was SO much funnier when it actually happened.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! That is hilarious :) you are good with your quick responses... Too funny!

Anonymous said...

btw...my nickname for mike is peanut (honestly don't know why/where I got it) BUT remind me not to call him that in front of Iz...I don't want her to correct me with "no aunt jac, his name is penis" haha

~aj~ said...

It's still very funny when it's written too! What cracks me up is that she thinks it is purple!