Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pete's Home

The last few days have been crazy busy around here. Pete went to the hospital for internal bleeding on Thursday and then I spent the next couple of days shuttling the kids to playdates so that I could go spend time at the hospital.

After a scary 24 hours where Pete's blood levels continued to drop, I am happy to say that they FINALLY started to go back up and he was released last night. We are so happy to have him back at home where we can take care of him. He will spend the next few days just trying to recover from losing so much blood. With lots of rest, good food, and entertaining children we are sure he will be back to his feisty self in no time.

An Izzy funny for you...
So yesterday once Pete got home, Izzy asked Pete why he was gone so long. Pete said, "I really wasn't gone that long, did it seem like a long time?" Izzy said, "It wasn't a long time for Mommy or Drew, but it was for me!" As if to say she missed him the most and Drew and I could have cared less ;)

Izzy has also taken a new liking for going to play at friends houses. Her only stipulation is she will only go over to someone's house if there is a friend there for her to play with. So, as I type this (on a Sunday afternoon) Izzy is over at Delaney's house playing. Delaney wanted Izzy to come over just as badly as Izzy wanted to go over. In fact, Izzy told me she would like to do this everyday that she doesn't have school. Do you know how liberating this is? On one hand it makes me kind of sad, but really it excites me that she is finally secure enough to leave me and be okay. It is an added bonus that she is no requesting to go play. Woohoo!!!

With the small amount of time we did spend at home the last few days, the kids managed to occupy themselves with the help of a rubbermaid container...





~aj~ said...

I'm so glad that Pete is back home and is doing well!