Thursday, August 27, 2009

Drew's First Trip to the ED

Drew took at spill at the pool this afternoon. It resulted in a 4 stitches.

Pre-stitches (Drew fell asleep due to excessive crying - then a darn nurse walked in and woke him!)

We were having a lovely lazy afternoon at the pool. The only folks there were Izzy, Drew, Rylie, Stephanie and a grandfather and granddaughter. It was so relaxed and laid back that the lifeguard was watching the kids from a lounge chair and chatting with us adults. The girls were jumping off the side, and Drew was just running around. Yup, running at the pool. He was told a few times to stop running...but he probably didn't. I can't say for certain because I did not see him fall. Last I saw of Drew he was playing in the shower. The girls got out and were playing with him...then I heard him cry out. It was one of those cries that I knew something was wrong. As I saw him lift his head off the concrete I saw the blood. Oh did I see blood! I have never witnessed a "gush" of blood until today. It literally poured from him mouth - all over him, me, a towel, and the ground.

The lifeguards broke out rubber gloves and after a quick discussion among all of us we felt it best to take him to an urgent care for stitches. THANKFULLY I was able to just leave Izzy and my things and head out with Drew. Thanks Stephanie, you rock! Drew and I made a quick pit stop home for my purse, and some snacks for Drew (never know how long you might be gone for) and then went to the urgent care.

So......we get to the urgent care and Drew is crying, bleeding, ...I am filling out paperwork. As I am holding this crying, bleeding boy, I overhear a comment which makes me think they may not be able to do the stitches (I asked when we arrived if they did stitches and was told yes). Sure enough, I fill out ALL the paperwork, finally get Drew settled down (they gave him a Spiderman picture to color and three used crayons) and get called back. As we are taken back to our room the doctor stops to look at Drew's mouth and tells me that they can't treat him. He will need to possibly be sedated, restrained, smaller stitches and a plastic surgeon. Great. They couldn't have looked at him when I flippin ARRIVED????? BEFORE I fumbled my way through filling out paperwork while holding a crying bleeding child? THE we were leaving they ASKED for the crayons back. ARE YOU F'IN KIDDING? It was the ONE THING that settled the kid down; you are now telling me you can't help me, and you want your flippin three used crayons back???? I was told, "Ma'am they belong to the facility." You are an urgent care. I was thinking I will bring "the facility" a new box tomorrow just let me leave with these. Jerks.

So, now we are way on to the hospital. The same ED where Pete was admitted in January for internal bleeding, the same place Izzy went when she broke her leg in February...and now Drew. As luck would have it, I had Izzy's class roster in my car from taking her to a playdate this morning. I had the number for Dr. J! He was the good doctor that helped make our ED visit with Izzy go so quickly and smoothly. I called him, and although he wasn't working that day he did call ahead and let the ED know that I would be arriving and to give us the royal treatment. Thank you AGAIN Dr. J!

Here we are killing time before Drew gets his stitches. I had to break out some of my best tricks for this kid. Let me just say that two "hand balloons" provide some major entertainment!

Once it was finally determined that Drew would need stitches, things moved pretty quickly. I was not in the room while they stitched him. Dr. J had suggested that I leave for both my sake as well as Drew's and althought it was heart wrentching I feel it was the right decision for me. I wanted to be the one to go in a "save" him from the bad needle people. I could hear him sobbing through the door and it was truly heart breaking. I could hear him asking for me and telling them that it hurt. Oh, it still pains me to think about it. When I went back in the room a nurse told me that at one point she said, "Drew, you are being such a good boy." and he said, "I know." Ironically one of the nurses was with me when I took both Pete and Izzy there as well! She told me she is getting worried about me.

All done!

Once we left we had a script to fill, popsicles and wine to buy, and Izzy to pick up. Wouldn't you know that at 7:30 (we hadn't left the ER yet) I got a call about a house showing. Yup, when it rains, it pours. I am happy to report that at 8:45 our potential buyers showed up and seemed to really like our house. They will be coming back Sunday for second showing :)

...sidenote...Erica was going to babysit for the kids tonight so that I could go to a coach's meeting for Izzy's soccer team, and then out for a MNO pool party. I was really looking forward to hanging out with a great group of girls - a bit anxious to use a new babysitter (we NEVER use one) but excited cause the kids were excited. Erica is a lifeguard at the pool and I feel very comfortable with her credentials. First and foremost my kids like her! Second, she was a EC major. From what I understand, Izzy was not happy once she realized that Erica would not be watching them this evening.

Two kids, two ER needed a cast, and the other stitches. Why do I feel like this is only the beginning...


Jac said...

You are a super mom! They are lucky to have you! Hope the house thing goes well tomorrow!

Corey~living and loving said...

oh my word. WOW! you are rock solid, mama. I would be soooooooooooo very frazzled. so glad he teeth didn't get hurt. that is good news.

Christie said...

OMG - Drew's lip looks painful. Poor fella! I can't believe the urgent care place wanted their crayons back. Sheesh.

Hope he is feeling better! They are gonna start knowing you by name at the hospital. Good thing you are moving ;)

~aj~ said...

Holy cow, what an ordeal that was! I can't believe you had to go through all of that at one place and then just do it all over again. The fact that they wanted their crummy crayons back about made steam come out of my ears. The fact that you got royal treatment at the ED helped make up for it.

And bless Drew's sweet little heart. I can attest to how much blood there must have been. When Adam injured his mouth earlier this summer, it gushed out like a fountain. Craziness.

I hope Drew has a speedy recovery. He is one tough boy. I'm proud of him for doing so well!

Pam said...

Oh Molly! I just feel for you having to go to TWO places! I hope Drew is better and that you get an offer on your house.