Friday, August 21, 2009

A Girl and Her Gloss

Yesterday we took a trip to the mall. Before we left, Izzy asked if she could get lipstick. Really, lipstick? Izzy? Recently she has started acting more girlie: carrying a purse, brushing her hair due to her own choosing, wearing dress up clothes, etc. So, when she asked for a lipstick my response was "and you could really use a new purse too!" In my defense she is carrying around a small black velvet purse she got a Gymboree when we was not even 2!

So where does a 4 year old go for lipstick? Claire's of course! The only lipstick we found that would "make her lips a different color" was a hideous neon pink. My girlfriend has taste cause even she knew it just wasn't right for her skin tone :) Instead she chose a very pale (ie: clear) pink with shimmer. I kid you not when I say that lipgloss has been applied and reapplied no less then 36 times.

In fact, one of the highlights of our mall visits is getting a cookie. When I handed Izzy her cookie she asked "will my lipstick come off?" She was upset when I explained that yes it would, but then you simply "reapply". Her response, "I just won't eat the cookie." Huh?

Pete came home last night (a day early!) and once Izzy greeted him she promptly disappeared. Can you guess where she went? You got apply! Thankfully I told Pete what she was doing so he was able to "ooohhh and aaahhhh" over her shimmery lips. *on a sidenote she also had a dentist appointment so she was sporting a fantastic smile!

Can you see the shimmer? Can you? Look hard!

We may be creating a diva in the making, but for now we are just highly entertained by our 4 year old who can't seem to part with her latest treasure. Her lipstick even went to bed with her!


Aunt Jac said...

The shimmer looks great with her bronzed skin! You look gorgeous Iz!

Christie said...

A girl after my own heart...

Alisha said...

She's so freaking cute!

uncle mike said...

i can't wait until drew tries to copy izzy on this. get him the neon pink for next time pete comes home!

~aj~ said...

Maybe if I started wearing more lip gloss, I'd have a reason to quit eating all the darn cookies at our house!

She's a doll, Molly. I seriously don't know how you can handle all that cuteness!