Monday, August 3, 2009

Our Day

Today I had to take my car in to get a new bearing. Not sure what it does, but I needed a new one and today was the day. When I called to schedule on Friday I asked if they had the part in, and about how long the appointment would take. I was told that the part wasn't there, but they would be able to get it quickly and everything should be complete in 2 hours. Okay, perfect. You see, the place we go has many shops/restaurants within walking distance so the kids and I could easily kill some time. We had done it 3-4 times before.

Here is how our day played out:

Drew is on day 3, possibly 4, of night wakings so I call the doctor to schedule an appointment. Two nights ago I would have thought is might be his ears, but last night he requested me to sing him "The Pee Pee" song. I told him that I don't know "The Pee Pee" song, and he asked me if I could figure out the words? When I told him "no", he said that maybe his sister could tell him the words in the morning. Goon. So, I question whether or not he is sick or if he is just waking due to habit? The doctor's office said to bring him in at 1:00.

I dropped the car off at 10. We head to Chick-Fil-A for lunch.

11:30 we head to Bruster's for ice cream. It is closed.

11:35 we head to Ben & Jerry's for ice cream. Again, closed.

11:40 we go to McDonald's for ice cream. Of course it is open and not only do we get ice cream, but I got a free iced mocha for "free mocha Monday". My mocha was awful! The kids had fun though playing in the play yard (Delaney joined us) and eating ice cream.

12:10 I call to check on my car which should have been ready. Not ready and won't be ready until 2-2:30. Okay, so now I need to cancel Drew's appointment.

1:00 I call and reschedule Drew's appointment for 3:50. (The office was closed for lunch and didn't open til 1 or I would have called to cancel earlier). The kids and I check out the movie show times to see if we can see a movie. Ice Age doesn't start until 2:25 and although Izzy saw it with Pete on Saturday she said she would see it again.

1:15 we head to Ham's to get me lunch and kill time.

2:10 leave Ham's and call about car. The car part still isn't in so the kids and I decide to go to the movies.

2:15 call and cancel Drew's doctor's appointment - tell them I will call once I am actually IN my car to reschedule for later today, hopefully.

2:25 we see Ice Age (not in 3D). I loved it and Drew did great! This was the second movie he has seen in a theatre. I was worried it might be too scary for him, but honestly it was just loud - not so much scary. Up was "scarier" for Drew.

4:00 movie is over and my car is ready!

Once home we had dinner, took baths, read some books and were in bed by 7:45. is now 9:20 and Drew is still talking up a storm in his room. Here's hoping the little booger sleeps through the night!


jac said...

sounds like it turned out to be a fun day

~aj~ said...

Phew, what a day! The kids should have been good and worn out, that's for sure.

I wish we could have seen Ice Age in non-3D. I have trouble wearing the 3D glasses over my glasses and ended up watching most of it without the glasses...and that just looked weird. Oh well, it was still a super cute movie, wasn't it? :)