Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Drew's Turn

One week ago...

And today...

Drew woke up at 5 am yesterday morning with the flu. Thank goodness Pete hadn't left for Charleston yet because his bed/room was a gross mess - and who knows at what point in the day I would have gotten around to getting it all cleaned up? Disinfecting a room takes a while, you know?

While I am certain Drew caught this bug from Izzy, I am amazed at the differences in how their bodies handle and react to it. Izzy vomited violently for 12 hours, was lethargic for two days, and then had diarrhea for a good day. Drew puked once, wanted to eat/drink everything he could get his little hands on, and had diarrhea for 6 hours. He really hasn't missed a beat, but is clearly sick. He has carried a fever for two days, while Izzy never really got one. Go figure?