Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bed Buddies

Lots of folks have had questions regarding the kids and their new sleeping arrangement. I thought I would take a couple minutes to answer some ...

~I take both kids up to bed about 7:15 and read two books. Then I sing two songs and hug/kisses goodnight. I leave the room and tell them if they talk it must be done in a whisper. It is a 50/50 toss up as to whether Izzy will read another book to Drew or just roll over and go to sleep. While Izzy has always been my quick to sleep child, Drew will sing/talk/read for 45 minutes before passing out. HOWEVER I think he is beginning to follow Izzy's lead and go to sleep faster these days.

~Drew comes down within 5 min. of me leaving the room to tell me he has to go to the bathroom. He goes to the bathroom downstairs and then walks himself back up to bed. It is at this point that Izzy is usually asleep and then I don't hear from Drew again.

~6/7 days they wake up at the same time. If Drew wakes up and Izzy is not in the room then he cries out, "I'M ALL ALONE! I'M ALL ALONE! I NEED SOMEBODY-EEEEEEEE!!!!"

~No one has gotten out of bed in the middle of the night, but I have been called into the room a few times. Typically it is Izzy who calls for me and it is because Drew has invaded her space. I move him over and everyone goes right back to sleep.

~Izzy no longer sleeps with me when Pete travels because she would rather sleep with Drew.

~When we move each will have their own room, but Drew will be getting two twin beds and Izzy a full bed so they are welcome to bunk together anytime. (Although Izzy has designed a room in the new house for them to share which incorporates all their most favorite colors.)

~I am not bothered that they are opposite gender and sharing a bed -AT ALL! I rather like it and think that it has made the two of them even closer than they were before - which is saying something if you knew how close they already were!

~The second night was the hardest, but since then it really has been incredibly easy.

~They wake up between 7:15 and 8:00.

bed buddies

bed buddies

bed buddies

I am beginning to think that if I am going to continue to photograph the kids sleeping together in the guest room...well, I might just have to actually decorate the guest room.


~aj~ said...

Well those are about the cutest pictures I've ever seen. I even love the drool. ;)

My brother slept on the trundle of my bed for years and years...and years. Not only were we opposite genders, but also 8 years apart. I like to think we turned out okay...mostly. lol

Mommy&Daddyof2kiddos said...

I agree about the pictures being cute. Also, the seperate genders isn't an issue here as Caitlyn has begged for Jacob to sleep in her room. If she still wants him to when he is ready for a toddler bed then so be it.