Thursday, March 18, 2010

Married with Children

It wasn't until last week that I actually questioned whether or not I have my hands full with Izzy. Last week was the "I'll miss my boyfriend when we move", watching Erik pee at school, and the infamous kiss on the lips with Carson. What happened to that innocent Izzy of 2 weeks ago?

Last night while sitting outside watching Izzy and Rylie play I overheard Izzy say the following:

..."well, I'm not gonna have babies until Carson and I have been married for 5 days."

..."Rylie, we can be in rooms next to each other at the hospital when we have our babies."

..."Carson and Benjamin can come visit us while we are at the hospital and bring us berries to eat."

Apparently each girl had a husband and was making plans for their futures together. I was happy to hear that they would both be married prior to having kids (even if it was only 5 days into the marriage - which means they were knocked up before exchanging vows) and that they still plan to be friends for so long that they will be in neighboring rooms at the hospital.

As we pulled out of the driveway for school I noticed this:


I said to Izzy that it looks like two people talking. She replied, "Mom, it is two people! That broom is the boy Rylie is going to marry and the yellow broom is Carson." Of course! She then tells me that they are "guarding the babies". Both girls had twins yesterday and are expecting another baby today. I told Izzy that I thought three babies in three days was plenty cause babies require a lot of work!

As Pete said when I told him...they grow up so quickly :-)


Alisha said...

Hilarious! I think I'd just be glad they're talking about marrying boys and not eachother! When I was little we used to play bride/groom (I was always the groom). My mom is the one who should have been nervous. :)