Friday, March 5, 2010

Lookin' GOOD Sister!

Izzy dressed herself for school today...

She is a bit under the weather and I thought I had a better picture of this fine ensemble, but I guess I was wrong. Regardless, you can see just how good this chick looked heading into her class. (I suggested a skirt over the leggings, but she said she liked her outfit just the way it was).


Pickin my battles...and I was completely fine with her looking this way. Honest. In fact, I rather like to see the outfits she puts together. And today, she was feelin sassy - struttin her bad self into school!


We have spent the last 48 hours with RC and family. Both dads were gone so we made the most of our time. We did haircuts, ice-cream, library, dinner (2x), baths, lunch, more playtime, get the picture. Basically they left last night to go home to sleep and came back today once my kids got home from school.

We introduced Stephanie to the Wii...Mario Kart to be exact. After one race she declared, "I'm going to get one of these tonight!"


I don't know if I would survive Pete's travel schedule without Stephanie. Thanks friend!


Jac said...

I LOVE Izzy's boots! Hope you guys are doing good!

Anonymous said...

Timmy wants to know which Mario Kart you have, do you have the M&M kind? Timmy is an art hound, so he likes the pictures of his cousins painting. I buy clearance art kits, too, but the kids find them and beg endlessly for me to open them and let them have the kits. Ignore the crayola Magic Light Brush kit, even on clearance. The brush is too thick to let the kids paint what they want, and the coolness of the light-up brush is short-lasting. I get more mileage out of homemade playdough.
word verification: dedera
(pronounce:dead era) An era that is so reviled, so uniformly awful in fashion, music and general culture, (eg the 80's) that it should not be revived, under any circumstances.

~aj~ said...

Izzy looks a-dor-able!