Monday, March 22, 2010

Izzy Reads to Her Class...then gets sick

Izzy's day started out with incredible excitement - for today she was going to read to her class! I still couldn't believe that the baby/toddler who wanted nothing to do with anyone other than her mommy was willing to sit in front of her entire class and read a book. When the teacher suggested she read to the class (after Izzy proudly told her she could read) she couldn't have been more excited.

She selected "Dick and Jane: Work" to read. ...and read it she did! I guess even Drew's teacher listened to her read it. She happened to be walking down the hall and popped in when she heard what "sounded like Izzy reading to the class". How fun.

I was able to talk to Izzy's teacher at the end of the day because I had to go into her class to drop something off. When I went in to pick up the kids, Izzy told me her belly hurt. The teacher said that the kids just had snack and then were out running all over the playground so maybe that was it. I thought different, but wanted to hear about how her reading went.

I guess Izzy did a FANTASTIC job reading. I love her teachers because they are so caring and so very encouraging! They made a huge deal out of her reading and I guess she was just beaming the entire time she read. She would read the pages and then hold up the picture for the class to see. The other children sat in awe and gave her "claps and snaps" when she was done. I had tears in my eyes as the teacher said lots of great things about what a neat kid she is. ...I couldn't help but feel extra special when she also said it is a reflection of great parenting. Claps and snaps to us!

So...not more than 2 min. after getting home Izzy tossed her cookies. Thankfully she hit all hardwood floor. Immediately after she threw up she begged for food. I gave her a few crackers and then an hour later when I could take no more of the begging I let her have a jelly sandwich ...and then another half. This entire time she was running all over with Drew and acting as if she was fine - so much so that I thought maybe she did simply run too hard on the playground and chug too much water after eating snack?

I called a couple moms of other kids in her class who have had this flu (Izzy is 10/16) and they both said she would act fine then go downhill. Sure enough, two hours later she puked again and then crashed on the couch.

I gotta give the girl credit because she is a fabulous sick kid. She hits the bucket, tries to keep her hair back, and just rolls with it. She doesn't get this trait from me because I hate to throw up.

The hardest part of my day was explaining to Drew that he could not sleep with Izzy tonight. He is in the guest bed and Izzy is in my bed. ...which is where I am headed now.


Jac said...

Awe , poor thing! But great job today! What type of books is she into? You are a great mom Molly, both Iz and Drew are so smart (and precious)!

Corey~living and loving said...

So very sorry she got sick, but how fabulous that she got to read to her class. Sugar did that too, and chose a dick and Jane story. Isn't it amazing? ♥