Monday, June 9, 2008

Kicking off the week

I am probably about to jinx myself, but I swear my kids have been playing SO well together lately. It really started last week and has continued through the weekend and today. I sure hope it lasts. When I say SO well, I mean SO well! There has been minimal fighting and what fighting occurs is easily resolved.

Today I got up at 6:30 and went for a run. I always seem to run on Mondays and end up behind a trash truck. YUCK. Nothing like sweating to the smell of trash. I got back shortly after 7 and Izzy didn't get up until 8, and Drew 9. I had time to shower and get a cup of coffee. While Drew was still sleeping Izzy had breakfast and then wanted to play on the computer. She played and I unloaded the dishwasher. Drew woke up and had oatmeal and watched Izzy play some more computer games. They are really cute because Drew will see a character and say his name and Izzy will then play a game involving that character.

So, they played and I cleaned a bit.


Take note in the above picture of how the sides of my countertop and back countertop are quite cluttered (don't look at my "mom management center" all the way in the back). Now look at how much I got done in a matter of 10 min. LOVE confined kids ;)


After breakfast they moved to the playroom and played with one another for a while. I started feeling a bit guilty and asked to play too. Izzy said we were playing "beach party". So we all picked out beach hats and had a picnic at the beach.


Next it was onto "school" where Izzy helped Drew with his shape sorter. Drew does not need much help with his shape sorter but was just happy his sister was paying so much attention to him.


Here are more of those "eyes" for Izzy

Next it was onto snack. Look how engrossed they are watching a show. It was Wonder Pets which I don't think they have seen in 2 months so it was all encompassing for 20 min!


I continued to strip beds, do laundry and dust. Izzy wanted to help so I had her do windows. Do you think this counts as child labor?


Drew discovered Izzy doing the mirror at the top of our steps and climbed up to join her. He noticed my bed was stripped and then insisted on the game of "jump bed, jump pillows". So here they are jumping on the bed. The "jump pillows" part unable to be photographed due to the nature of the content. It is the kids literally leaping off the side of the bed into a huge pile of pillows. Drew however needs a spotter as twice he has dove over the entire pillow pile and smacked his face into the floor. It doesn't phase him though. He just picks his head up, rubs it and says "ow head".


After lunch Drew went down for a nap and Izzy and I decided to make chocolate chip cookies. I thought we had all the ingredients. Guess what ingredient we were missing...chocolate chips. Thankfully I had some peanut butter chips which worked fine for a 3 year old.


Izzy is now having quiet time while I type this. I will then pack up our pool bag and wake Drew so we can head to the pool. Gotta love hot summer days.


Anonymous said...

looks like you had a perfect day! hope today is as fun as yesterday was, take care.