Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sprinkler Fun

The days here in good 'ole NC are heating up quickly. We spend part of each nice day at our neighborhood pool, but I thought it would be a good idea to have some water toys at our house as well. So...I purchased an "old school" plastic pool. You know the kind - "it will crack by the end of the summer so we will have to throw it out, and oh if it doesn't crack then it will be too big to really keep around til next summer so we might as well pitch it". Not to mention it was only $10 (on sale this week at KMart). I also bought a "waterpillar" which is a caterpillar sprinkler.

Drew was napping and Izzy was anxious to use the sprinkler so we invited Delaney over and the girls had some water fun. Unfortunately the only photos I took were of the sprinkler play that was had prior to Drew waking up. Once Drew was awake we then put our slide into the pool and the kids slid into the water which was comical to watch - to say the least.









I also wanted to include a couple of cute pictures from snack time. Izzy and Drew are becoming the BEST of friends (another post for another day) and love doing everything together. Here they are having matching snacks - must be alike as often as possible - string cheese and iced animal crackers.



Look at the "eyes" Drew is giving his big sis. He ADORES her!


Izzy has a camp program that is offered at her school the next couple days so my main man Drew and I will be spending alot of quality time together. I am so excited to just hang out with him! Check back soon for some photos of my little lover boy on his special play dates with mommy.


Kristin said...

You appear to have this picture thing figured out! :)

The pics are cute, and I love that your kids are bestest pals too. I'm excited for Easton do to his camps and eventually preschool so that I can enjoy some one-on-one time with MY D.