Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pool Time

With the weather in the upper 90's this past week it was time to put those hours of swimming lessons to the test. Time for me to venture to the pool without the assisatance of Pete. We had been to the pool as a family last weekend and while it wasn't easy to watch both kids, it was managable. To say I was nervous to go alone would be an understatement.

Both kids took swimming lessons beginning in May. It was an 8 week course on Saturdays for 30 min. The class was parent/tot so all 4 of us were in the same class. After the first class we realized that Izzy was too advanced so she would move up to the next level. While she did great the following week without a parent (Pete) in the water she refused to get in the week after. So back to the class with me and Drew she would go. Drew had no problem with was listening that proved to be difficult for him. Tell Drew to blow bubbles and he would kick. If we were floating on backs, Drew would want to be on his stomach. That's Drew. He can do it, but it needs to be on his time line. With Pete being out of town one Saturday, and us travelling for a couple others, and me making excuses NOT to go we probably attended 3-4 classes. Yes, money well spent.

Fast forward to this past week. We have a great kiddie pool. It doesn't have any of the "fancy" stuff, but it is pretty big and has a "shallow" baby end and a "deep" baby end. The shallow side comes up just above Drew's belly button and the deep side to his chin. I packed the kids up in the stroller - we walk - and off we went. Packing itself is a chore: pool bag, first aid kit, towels, swim diapers, regular diaper, two changes of clothes for after swimming, sunblock, two water cups, pool toys (lots), floats, kickboards, cooler of snacks, cell phone, cash, ...and hats. Heaven forbid I forget something.

We get to the pool and I lather up the kids. Izzy does great, Drew screams the entire time. The first few days I couldn't even think about taking a picture. Until I got floats for both kids (which Pete wasn't keen on, but when I am the one there alone I really needed them to have something! I do understand why people don't like floatation devices though.) Drew was under every 5-10 steps. Get this...He NEVER came up crying or gasping for air. In fact he would just look at me and say "tanks Momma" and go back to swimming. It was like he was thanking me for handing him his water. Little did he know I saved his life ;)

With floats both kids do GREAT and I can actually enjoy myself. I don't have to follow Drew nonstop, but rather I have time to react once he is on his way under. Izzy does great and takes the float off after a while. I think she will be a fish by the end of summer. In fact I think Drew will be swiming float free by the end of summer. Heck Drew will be going down the water slides before Izzy - by the end of summer.

My Guppies...



I just love how Drew has no fear and pulls his feet up..

Should I be worried about this pole dancing?


Snack time

A cute shot from behind

We sure love going to the pool and usually do so everyday, sometimes twice a day. Friday nights a group of us order pizza and have cocktails. ...but the real reason we go to the pool is this...
It makes the kids SLEEP! ...and for a long time ;)


Kristin said...

Ha! Her pole dancing!

That is so great that you can take both kids by yourself. I have yet to do that. Maybe after E's solo swimming lessons (which start tomorrow) I might feel more comfy.