Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Main Little Man

It is obvious to anyone who knows me that I am gaga for Drew-Drew. I have the biggest soft spot for him and love him something fierce! While Izzy was in camp last week my main little guy and I got to spend 12 sisterless hours together just hanging out. We had so much fun so this entry is going to be all about my guy.

Drew is 20 months. Born 9-26-06. Here are some of the things Drew is able to do...
-recognize all his letters (his favorite is "G")
-count to 18
-recognize all colors (including gray and magenta)

Things Drew enjoys...
-playing with Izzy
-singing songs: favorites to include, Twinkle Twinkle, the ABC's, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, If You're Happy and You Know It.
-playing trains
-riding his bike
-watching Lazytown
-eating popsicles (favorite colors are green and blue)
-jump off my bed into a pile full of pillows head first!
-read books (and if it is the same book 10 times in a row well, even better)

Favorite foods:
-hands down oatmeal
-little crunchies
-double stuffs
-ice-cream (vanilla)
-string cheese
-Dora (must be Dora) crackers
-macaroni and cheese

Drew can speak in complete sentences and has been able to for a couple months now. Some of his favorite sayings include:
-When asked if something is good he replies "dee-YISH-isss"
-Greets everyone he passes by stopping, waving and saying "Hi" or "Hi Dew" (if he wants them to say hello to them)
-Now that we swim everyday a popular saying is "Watch diss" or "I good simmer"

Drew doesn't require much sleep and seems to turn on the charm after we tuck his sister into bed at night. He is an official part of Izzy's bedtime routine. Izzy must have Drew in her room to say goodnight. We put her into her bed and then Drew and I sing her Twinkle Twinkle. Drew then gives her a sloppy kiss and says "more tiss" and gives her one more. As I carry him from her room he says "night night sugar, see you in mornin time". Then he blows her one final kiss and says "mwaaa, Izzy". Perhaps someday I will be able to get it on video.

Why is it that because I am trying to write about him I am at a loss for words? How bout we just look at the little hottie and some of the pics from our quality time together.

Here is handsome helping me water the plants

Riding his bike

Ready to head out for a couple errands

Our playdate with Jack

How cute are they. I can't stand it!


All tuckered out, which can only mean the playdate was successful!


A trip to the children's museum..train fun it a big favorite!



Another favorite is looking for eggs under the chickens

Another successful day...

I love you Boo! Thanks for playing with me while Izzy was at camp.