Monday, July 14, 2008

Amusement Park

Pete has been travelling A TON lately which leaves me searching for new and interesting things to do with the rugrats. A friend told me about a place 20 min. away that had a playground and a few kiddie rides so we decided to check it out. We met up with my friend Kelli and her daughter Sydni for a morning full of fun.

As soon as we got our tickets the kids immediately spotted the train and wanted to ride it. Worked for us. As we were walking towards the train the conductor blew the whistle. This was the loudest, most ear piercing whistle that I have ever heard. It immediately sent Sydni jumping and Drew running the other way. I wasn't so sure the train ride would actually happen but with some gentle encouragement we got on. I don't have any train pics because I was too busy reassuring Drew that he would be fine.

Arriving at the park - pre train whistle

After the train we headed to the cars. Much discussion took place on exactly which car the kids wanted to ride in. The green one was the chosen one. Izzy in front, Drew and Syd in back. All three children would have a steering wheel. Drew was so excited as soon as he sat down.


the "driver"

As soon as the ride started moving this is what happened
wouldn't you know this was the only car on the entire ride that did NOT have a seat belt! ...note to self, Drew may never again sit on a ride unless he is strapped in.

So after the car ride, which Izzy rode three times, we headed to the helicopter and airplane ride. She rode this three times as well. The first time around she couldn't figure out how to make it go up so the ride operator raised them all into the "up" position. Izzy then screamed that she made ALL the rides go up. Yup, that was all you sister.


We made a quick stop at the playground and then took a trip to the carousel before leaving.

Izzy rode the tiger

By default Drew got a horse


Once we got home Drew took a nap and Izzy had her quiet time. It was lovely as Izzy had an extra long quiet time due to the fact that she was extra tired. After this the kids played SO WELL together. Here is Izzy pulling Drew around in her baby stroller



Then I found Izzy reading to Drew

They were laughing so hard over one saying "bumpy" and one saying "smooth" when I snapped the picture. I then tried to grab the video camera but this is all I was able to get before being spotted.

View this montage created at One True Media
Reading 7/14/08

Oh, and don't mind the messy play room. Yes, that is a couch on the left side flipped over. The kids like to crawl through/under it and use it as a fort.

I think I was blessed with extra good kids today because God knows I can only take so much being home alone with them!