Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Big Bang Boom Band

Most moms with young children surveyed would agree a day is typically divided into two parts: pre-nap and post-nap. During each of those segments it is our job to tire out all small children to ensure good sleep. So during our morning outing we went to the pool. With Pete out of town again we decided to change up our night time routine and I took the kids to their first outdoor concert!

I thought this would be something both the kids might enjoy, not to mention it would kill a couple hours. The group was called Big Bang Boom and would be playing out behind the Children's Museum. I had a couple fears heading into the evening. First, I was unsure of what type of crowd there may be. I wasn't worried about drunks and crazy people as it was for children, but rather how large the crowd may be. From what I understood this band was quite popular with the locals under 5. Preparing for the worse I dressed the kids in bold matching stripes. No worries...there was no crowd. My second fear was since my kids LOVE the museum I wasn't sure that they would have any interest in hearing a band. Fear verified...no interest in the band.

The band and their groupies

Izzy did find a big ball to play with

Drew didn't want any part of listening to the band or playing ball

I caught him trying to sneak back into the museum

Once in the museum we quickly headed over to the fire truck. Drew drove while Izzy put out the fires.


Izzy thought she was so funny trying to walk in the tall firefighter boots

Drew took a quick trip down the slide before we headed over to "Nonnie's House" to search for eggs.

Izzy and Drew searched under the chickens for eggs so Izzy could prepare us a feast

While Izzy was cooking Drew found a straw hat

I thought the next couple pictures were so funny of Drew. Look how he puts the hat on the rocking horse

steps back to see how it looks

and then makes a necessary adjustment

Well, even though the kids weren't all for listening to the band, they still enjoyed making some of their own music as we left.

Rock on~