Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

Oh my, you are in for a treat with this post. It is funny yet disturbing at the same time.

Izzy started Boogie Babes yesterday. Boogie Babes is a dance camp this week which will help determine if she is ready for dance "lessons". My reasons for doing it weren't so much that I want her to take dance as that I believe she needs to be gently reminded that I leave sometimes. School was a bit of an adjustment for Izzy this past year and we very rarely have babysitters so I want to keep her used to the idea that mommy leaves, but always comes back. The registration form stated that "no dancewear is needed, only tennis shoes and shorts." I didn't think Izzy would care what she wore, but once we got to class 3/5 girls had on leotards.

This is Izzy before class began. She is sitting next to Alexandra who is a friend from Izzy's school and the one who told us about the class.

Here is Izzy sitting in class next to Delaney - her bestest friend.

Since Izzy knew half the girls in class I wasn't too worried that she would cry, but I can never be certain with her! I did reassure her that I would be in another room the entire time. After I walked her into her class I had to wrestle Drew off the bar to get him out of the class.

Drew and Zach (Alexandra's brother)

It was quite nice to hang out for the hour Izzy was in class. Drew and Zach got to have an hour long playdate in another room.

After class I asked Izzy if she wanted to get a leotard like some of the other girls were wearing and she said yes. I don't think she would have asked for one on her own, as she doesn't notice clothing...yet. Regardless I thought it would be cute. So, after class we searched at Target. I found a skirt, but no leotard. Later we headed to KMart where I found a pink leotard and a blue one with a built in skirt.

Once Pete came home I told Izzy we should try her leotards on for Daddy. I asked her which one she wanted to try on and she chose the pink one. "Cause pink is my favorite color you know".

Izzy was dressed and showing off her new moves when Drew approached me with the blue leotard stating "I want it! Drew's turn!"

With no further ado...Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

Yes, I did it. I put Drew in the blue leotard. Pete was present the entire time. We were in hysterics! Izzy was teaching Drew everything that she learned in class that day. I must say that the way she was taught some basic positions was quite interesting. For those familiar with dance, first position hands are above the head with fingers gently touching. So Miss Betsy, the teacher, tells the girls that this is a "small flower" as the girls open up their arms they are told to make the flower "grow". Cute, huh? I believe it is fifth position? where the hands are held out front, chest level with fingers slightly touching. For this movement the girls are told to "catch the bubble" and then to "let it go" as they open their arms. Very cute for a group of girls. Very "know your audience",eh?

Here are a couple more pictures of my cute couple:
Little flower

"make the flower grow"

"catch the bubble"

"let the bubble go"

And finally, there were just so many pictures that I put them into a little slide-show.

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Today Izzy's teacher, Miss Betsy, told me that Izzy is very serious about her dancing. She is a good listener, concentrates on her movement, and is very pleasant to have in class. My girl :)


Kristin said...

Drew and Izzy are too cute in their 'tards. :)

I think it's so funny...I'm glad she's such a serious dancer, I love that she does well. In fact, I'm jealous :)

Anonymous said...

OK, that is just about THE MOST adorable thing I've seen today!! TOO CUTE!
You've got your hands full