Saturday, July 12, 2008

Odds & Ends

Just a few tidbits from last week. With the exception of a day at the kiddie park, to be blogged about later, nothing too exciting happened. We did not go to the pool until Thursday as we had lots of rain. So we had to make due with just stuff...

As you may recall early last week I sat Izzy and Drew in front of a computer screen so that I could watch the end of Wimbledon. Did you happen to notice the cupcakes to the right of Izzy in the picture? Well, we frosted and decorated them. Here is one difference between Izzy and Drew.

Izzy eating a cupcake with little to no mess

...and Drew

Another day while we were playing outside it started to rain. Izzy asked if she could catch raindrops on her tongue. There was no thunder or lightening so I figured what the heck. Next thing I know Izzy has on her rain coat and rain boots. Thankfully I picked Drew up a raincoat at Old Navy when it was on clearance for $3.99. I wasn't sure if it would ever be worn but better safe than sorry. While he was happy to have a raincoat he was VERY upset not to have rain boots.



I just love shots from behind

...and both my rainy day friends...

On Tuesday I watched Delaney and Mia while Jen had a book show. Refresher: Delaney and Izzy were born a day apart and have been hanging out since they were about 13 months. The day went better than I anticipated. The girls got here for lunch and then left around 4. I was actually able to get Miss Mia and Drew down for naps at the same time. Unfortunately those naps didn't last more then 90 min, but oh well. It was 90 min. with only half the noise.

Here's Delaney - don't you just love those curls!

So, this is what my family room looked like

My family room was turned into an obstacle course. The course consisted mainly of jumping on the cushionless coutches and then jumping from cushion to cushion on the floor. Notice Miss Mia watching (bottom left corner).

Sweet baby Mia - isn't she so tiny? She will be a year next month!

Mostly Mia would watch Drew. He wasn't hard to miss as he stood on top of the cube and would wave while saying "Hi 'issa Eeee-aa". He LOVES her and at one point after their naps he was reading to her. He brought her a soft book and would point out the various objects in the book to her. It reminded me of the way Izzy reads to him - which is why I suppose he repeats it to others. He would say "Star. Yellow star. See the star?" So sweet.

So once the little kids went down for a nap I let the big girls play "breakable tea set". That name was derived by Izzy because...see if you can guess...well, because it could break :) We only use this tea set when Drew is napping. Let me just tell you how many times I have gotten ill off of drinking way too much "tea". Izzy insists on filling the cups and having you drink over and over and over. I've learned to time the playing of the game close to when I believe Drew will wake up.


And finally, Pete was out of town quite a bit of last week. Here he is playing Chutes and Ladders with the kids the night he got home.

I just love how hard Drew appears to be concentrating - as if he knows what he is doing. Goof.

Alrighty then. Tomorrow I will try and post about the kiddie park and some really sweet moments between my kids. ...we had just one of those all around great days. You know the kind I am talking about: kids are well behaved, getting along, listening, and you just love being a mom.