Sunday, July 6, 2008

Izzy and her side-kick

So, the last couple days have been full of some kid funnies. Most of it involves things that have been said, and therefore I won't be able to do the sayings justice in writing.

Yesterday, I was folding laundry while I sat on the family room floor. Both of the kids were awake and playing around me so I thought this would be a safe time to do this since neither child had any interest in what I had been doing. Wouldn't you know as soon as I started to fold then they wanted to help. A three year old and one year old aren't helpful when it comes to folding laundry! So, I made some sock balls and had them shoot baskets into the laundry basket from various places in the family room. This game occupied them for much longer than I expected. At one point I heard Izzy say to Drew, "Drew! If you don't cooperate and take turns then I am just going to walk away and not play anymore". Drew's response "I go too Izzy, I go too!"

Here's another from Drew.
...when asked a question he no longer responds with a simple "yes" or "no". Rather it is "I say no Mama! I say no." or "I say yes Daddy! I say yes."

Tennis anyone? today I started watching the men's finals of Wimbledon shortly after it started at 9am. Well, finally at 3:45 when it was still not over but getting VERY VERY exciting I put Izzy in charge of Drew so I could watch the end of the match. Truth be told I set Izzy up on the computer to play Noggin and Drew next to her in his highchair. I asked Izzy if she would play some games to keep him occupied for a short bit so I could watch the end of my show. Izzy LOVES to be put in charge - especially of Drew. From the family room I would hear things like "Drew, should I pick the green or red shoes? What color sign do you want? Should we take the first path or the second path? Look at all the cards we've collected!" Every answer he would give would be met with the response "Okay, Drew good choice". Everything seemed to be going so well between my two little cherubs. I guess what my selective hearing did not pick up on was the "need more cookie Izzy" request coming from Drew.

Apparently double stuffed oreos were opened and most of the bag was eaten by Drew during Izzy's computer playing. I suppose he figured he was watching a movie and needed a little snack. When I realized what was going on the boy had no less than 10 oreos on his tray. To make myself feel better for the neglectful parent I am I did remind myself that he only eats the middle. And Izzy did serve him raisins with his oreos - oh, and milk and water.

do you notice that most of the time my kids are wearing only a diaper and underpants?

here you can see Izzy handing Drew a cookie while not even taking her eyes off her game

Drew realizes that I am about to end his cookie eating extravaganza as I was met with a "I say no Mama! I say no take Drew-drew tray."

So, now the kids are both being bathed after we iced cupcakes. Drew has icing in his hair...oatmeal too. Right now Izzy is drinking a "mocha" that she made in the tub and Drew just told me that he too is having a "mocha like Izzy".

Now they are both having a contest to see who can "clean their face" the best. I am really loving the ages they are right now!

Oh we are having a splashing contest. Guess my typing time is up~