Monday, September 14, 2009

Back to School Family Dinner

With Pete's travel schedule, we were unable to have a family dinner last week when the kids started school. This evening, one week after school began, was our first night together as a family. Both the kids were SO excited to eat off the "Special Plate" to celebrate the 2009-2010 school year.

For dinner we had tenderloin, corn on the cob, noodles and muffins. The kids had milk, I had wine, and Pete had water - we all drank from straws :)

All through dinner Izzy just kept saying "this is the best meal ever!" She has been missin her Daddy big time since he started travelling.


Both the black eyes that Drew is sporting are compliments of his sister. The one on the right is from her whacking him with a toy screwdriver (she broke the skin). The one on the left is from "?". I have yet to get a straight answer out of her - the closest I've gotten is that she grabbed him in the face.

School updates: Izzy is LOVING school! And that might just be an understatement. I was extremely impressed with her teachers from the get go and they have not disappointed. She bounces down the hall to her room; greets the teacher at the door with a smile; hugs and kisses me and Drew, and then heads into her room. I just love her! She is growing up too quickly. Drew on the other hand still prefers to hang with me. He whimpered and cried from the moment he got up and realized he was going to school. Once at school we took Izzy to her class, and Drew immediately began to cry while we were saying goodbye. I told him to hold my hand so I could walk him to his room and he wanted me to carry him. As I was telling him to look at his watch and when both hands pointed to the top (12:00) I would be back to pick him up - he was sniffling "I not gonna cry. I, I, I not gonna cry today. I not gonna cry." As soon as I opened the door to his room he cried :( Poor kids, it just breaks my heart. The teachers tell me he whimpers a little but really is fine for most of the class. I think he will be fine in another week or two. least I hope so!


mike said...

wine out of a straw? look out!