Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Drew's First Day of School

Twas the night before his very first day and Drew was asleep...

Off to school! Getting two kids up (I had to wake both), dressed, fed (neither really ate much), hair/teeth brushed, and out the door is tough!

Leaving the house, with Izzy giving Drew a few tips on what to expect his first day.

Drew thinks he is ready!

Once we got to school, the apprehension set in.

Once again, big sister gave him some words of encouragement.

I'm not sure if this is an "I Wub You Izzy - you're the greatest big sister" hug, or a "please don't leave me" death grip?

We got to the classroom and Drew had no interest in sitting at the table with the other kids working on play-doh. Instead he wanted the teacher to retrieve this ship. She obliged as to not add another crier to the group (two others were crying).

I think Drew will have a great year! He was supposed to have both the teachers Izzy did at that age, but one moved. So I am familiar with one of his teachers, but not the other. His class is made up of eight children: 4 girls, 4 boys. He will go M-W-F from 9-12. Wednesdays he will have lunch bunch until 1 beginning in October. So, if you remember Izzy's schedule you will see that I have from 9-1 free on Wednesday!

So, when I left Drew he was not crying. When I picked him up the teachers told me that he had a good day. Not great, not terrible. He cried on and off just as I knew he would. Once one of the teachers gave him a watch to wear, and showed him what time I would be back, he cheered up. Looks like I need to get him a watch. Drew's class had music today and they said Drew LOVED it. He knew all the words to all the songs, and eagerly answered every question the music teacher asked. if he could just have music everyday, all day then we would be set!

So, day one was okay. I think Friday will be MUCH worse! I see lots of crying in his future :( That boy sure does love his mommy!

After school we took a trip over to Brusters for some ice cream. It had been quite a while since we last went and the kids were very excited. Delaney and Rylie met us there, and all the kids had fun playing in this little nook by the drive thru area. As cars went through the drive thru the kids would talk everyone and pretend that they were selling the ice cream.

This final picture is Drew holding "Guido" from the movie Cars. I bought a set of figurines and will give them to Drew on an "as needed" basis. When Pete spoke to Drew on the phone today Pete asked him how his first day was, and Drew said, "Mama got me a Guido cause it was my first day, and I always wanted a Guido!" That was news to Pete. Drew is also wearing a sticker that he was given to him by his teachers. It says "Super Star Student", but when you asked Drew about his sticker he would tell you that it said, "Super Star Drew-Drew".

Suprisingly I did not cry? I was sick to my stomach, but I was also hungry so that could have been it? After I dropped Drew off, I went to a Matilda Jane trunk show, then to the gym, and a quick trip home to pack some playground snacks. Then my 3 hours was up and it was off to get the kids!


Jac said...

Sounds like he did pretty great! I am happy for both of you :) keep the figurines handy tho, just in case day 2 is tough! Have fun on your Wednesdays!

~aj~ said...

Super-star Drew Drew...I love it!

I'm glad Izzy was there to give him some words of encouragement. What a great big sis!

Anonymous said...

Timmy named his fish "Guido" (from Cars too.