Friday, September 25, 2009

Soccer Practice

On our way home from soccer practice:
Me: "Izzy you did a great job at practice tonight. I am so proud of you! You are getting so close to kicking the ball. I think at the game on Saturday you might actually kick it!"

Izzy: "Yeah Mom. Did you see me? I almost kicked it three times!"

Once at home:
Pete: "Izzy, how was soccer practice? What did you work on?"

Izzy(in a super excited sing song voice) "We worked on corner kicks and throw ins!"

Me: "Wow Izzy, I'm impressed! That is exactly what we worked on. Good for you!"

Pete: "That's great Iz!"

Izzy: "And Daddy, I almost kicked the ball three times!"

Yup, she almost made contact with the ball during our scrimmage. Izzy will run drills like a pro, and lead you to believe she is am awesome little player. However (and this is a big however) she will not try to kick a ball that another player is near. She is fearful of getting knocked down. During our games it is quite comical because if a ball is coming towards her, she will smile and then run the other way.

As a coach, she is wasted space on the field :) And I mean that in the most loving way possible.

As a mom, I can't get enough of watching her just smile, giggle and bounce around the field, all the while trying NOT to make contact with the ball. She is just loving being part of the team and hanging with her friends.


~aj~ said...

I'm afraid you've got a cheerleader on your hands, dear! :)

I'm sure the other parents enjoy it almost as much as you. We get the biggest laughs on the soccer field with all the kids and their silly quirks.