Monday, September 28, 2009

Drew Drew Turns 3

Drew began his birthday festivities on Friday, September 25th, when he was class "leader" for the day. When you are leader for the day, you get to be first in line, choose the book, report the weather, choose the blessing, and bring in snack. According to Drew when you are the leader you are "first for everything (done with a very excited shout and hands thrown in the air)!"

Since Drew's birthday snack happened to coincide with his class picnic (a picnic to get to know the other parents/students) I didn't go in for snack time as year's past with Izzy, but rather just took his birthday treat to the picnic. Drew's choice was sprinkled doughnuts.

The birthday boy / class leader

Doing the blessing before lunch

That evening Pete was going to take Izzy to Toys R Us to let her pick out a present for Drew, but Drew wanted to go along so we made it a family affair. I had hoped for Izzy to pick out ONE thing for Drew - she wanted to get him a Woody doll from Toy Story. Well, call it guilt because we hadn't planned a big party, or guilt cause Daddy is gone lots these days, but while I was off distracting Drew, Pete and Izzy loaded up the cart. When I say loaded up...I mean enough toys were bought to celebrate Christmas.

The best part was that we made it through the store, out to the car, and into our house without Drew having a clue. But, as Pete carried the nearly see through bags into the house Drew spotted some of his loot. We told him he could open one present after he got into his pj's. Izzy and Pete wrapped up a Cars race track, and although he was ecstatic after he opened it, he said, "Oh! Oh! Oh! So, tomorrow I can open Buzz and Woody and Jesse?" So much for a surprise.


Sure enough the next morning Izzy and I went up to wrap the rest of his presents after breakfast and Drew remarked, "Oh. You goin to wrap me my Buzz and Woody and Jesse now?" Yup, that is what we are doing my friend. That is exactly what we are doing. I had a couple other presents that I had bought and while Izzy and I were wrapping them she said to me, "Mom, when did you get these?" It was all in a "how dare you buy something without me for my brother" kind of tone. Almost as if I should have gotten her approval.

The birthday boy chose cinnamon rolls for breakfast

Opening presents:

This was his reaction to EVERYTHING!

It was an ugly rainy day for Drew's birthday, so in addition to enjoying Drew's new toys, I got some movies at Blockbuster and rented a Wii game. What game? Toy Story of course!


Dinner was Drew's choice, and he wanted pizza. I asked him if he wanted to eat it at home or at the pizza place. His choice was the pizza place, and he also wanted to invite RC and his "other friend Moe" along :) We had a really fun dinner out.

Before you go thinking we are terrible parents with no party - we are planning to have a small birthday party for Drew - it will be just a few of his (ie: Izzy's) friends at Chuck E Cheese. This party has yet to be planned, but his only request (other then Chuck E Cheese) is a Toy Story cake. However, for now he wanted a SpongeBob cake. ...not sure why as we don't allow that show in our house. But, since it is his birthday I did get him a SpongeBob candle.







Of course being his birthday and all also meant that Drew got to eat off the special plate. In true Drew fashion, he also wanted his sister Izzy to eat off a special plate as well. Which reminds me - my Mom sent Drew a card for his birthday and in it were two $1 bills. Her intent was one for each child to spend at the Dollar Store (this is a HUGE thrill for my kids). Drew, of course did not know this, but upon opening the card and the dollars falling out, immediately said, "Oh Izzy! Omi sent one dollar for me, and one dollar for you, ...for us to spend at Disneyworld!" I am not sure why he chose Disneyworld, but regardless he thinks his sister is TOPS in his book. I think if Drew was stranded on a desert island and could take just one would be his sister :)


...and this Mama couldn't be happier that he loves his sister SO much!


jac said...

how precious is he!?

Kristin said...

Awwww...sounds like a perfect time for Drew Drew. My boys are in the living room playing rented Wii Toy Story Mania as I type this! LOL

I love that your kids are so close...and we don't allow SpongeBob in our house either...just 5 minutes of viewing reminds me why.

~aj~ said...

Love that Drew adores his big sister so much. I'm glad he had such a super birthday...his smiles are precious beyond words!