Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Izzy's First Day of School

The 2009-2010 school year has officially begun. Izzy had her first day of school today and she LOVED it! She is going M-F from 9-12. Tuesday and Wednesday she has the option to stay for lunch bunch which will keep her there until 1. In addition she has the opportunity to take an 88's class. This is a music class once a week from 1-2 (after lunch bunch) that teaches her to read music and compose her own song ;) I doubt we will take advantage of this class due to the move.

So, back to today. I had to wake Izzy at 7:45. She was all smiles and wanted to get dressed on her own before having breakfast. I showed her the outfit I picked out - a skirt with the option of two different shirts to choose from. She told me that she wanted to pick a different shirt. Izzy RARELY has an opinion regarding her clothing and as painful as it was to let me pick a different shirt, I obliged. She didn't do too bad - it had pink/yellow in it just like her skirt. Do I really want to start a debate over clothing on her first day of school?

Honestly, how can this face not look super cute in whatever she wears?

The full ensemble (closed toe shoes are a must for school and Izzy only has tennis shoes that currently fit - darn growth spurt).

Heading out to get in the car (I didn't notice until just now that she has her toothbrush in her hand. We will have to have a talk that toothbrushes don't leave the house). She just looks excited!

Once at school she wanted to wait for her best school friend Sarah. We waited out on the bench and Izzy posed for a picture with Buzz. Drew was permitted to wear his costume today but not tomorrow on his first day of school!

And Sarah makes three!

After I picked up Izzy she couldn't stop talking about how much fun she had today. I REALLY like her teachers and love all the ideas that they have for the year. I am only sorry that we won't be spending the entire school year with them :(

One of the highlights of the day for Izzy was snack. Today they made their own snacks. I am pretty sure it had a message behind it. Her entire school disciplines on the "stoplight" method. Every child has a clothespin on green, you get a warning and then moved to yellow, once action is taken you are moved to red and get a little talking to. The teachers are big on making sure the kids understand what it was they did wrong and talk about ways to better deal should a similar situation arise again. It is hard to put into words, but it really is great.

So snack was a graham cracker with frosting on it and then red/yellow/green skittles. Izzy loved making it so much at school that she wanted to make them again at home. She didn't need to even ask me twice - we went right to the store! We did use m&m's instead of skittles.

The cutest part was listening to Izzy give instructions on how to assemble the snacks. After all the steps were complete she said, "...and the last step is the BEST! You get to EAT it Drew!"



I sure hope she does great the rest of the week. Sometimes the first day is easier than days 2 and 3.

...I have no reason to believe that tomorrow won't be AWFUL for me. Drew will be a wreck when I drop him off, and so will I. I can't believe my baby is starting preschool :(


jac said...

What a sweet post! Iz looked adorable! can't wait to see Drew's outfit tomorrow! BTW, I have stuck in my head "gotta get that, gotta get that, Boom Boom OWH!" (Drew's new version) :)

Corey~living and loving said...

so very sweet. I dying over BUZZ. tee hee....by the time halloween gets here he just might be over it. LOL

love the snack. looks like fun. and I love graham crackers and frosting.

hope you survived today.

~aj~ said...

I don't think I've ever been so excited that I've left the house with my toothbrush in hand. She must REALLY love school! :)