Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mean Boy

remember last week when Drew was my Silly Boy? Well, now he is just mean. ...not mean in a bad way, but mean in a funny way. He is just like his daddy and loves to make people laugh. He seems to have a knack - a gift.

I went away for the weekend and the kids stayed home with Pete. This was the second weekend that I have been away alone since having kids. Pete did fantastic!!! ...and I had a really great time too.

While I was gone, this exchange went on between Pete and Drew.

Drew (smiling): "Daddy, I don't love you anymore."
Pete: "Drew, that isn't a very nice thing to say - it makes me sad."
Drew (turning to Izzy and smiling): "Izzy, now you tell Daddy you don't love him anymore too!"

Who says stuff like this?

He sure keeps everyone laughing! In fact, when Drew's teachers see me coming down the hall to pick up Drew, they immediately begin to smile and shake their heads - not a single day has passed without a couple funny stories regarding Drew and his antics.