Sunday, October 25, 2009


What a fun filled Saturday we had! Izzy had her last soccer game (more on that in another post) and then we went trunk or treating. This is a great fund raiser done by one of our nearby churches. The kids collect candy (a ton!), pick pumpkins, go on a hayride, play games and have a great time!

Cinderella and Buzz
trunk or treat
They just kept saying, "Hi Cinderella." "Hi Buzz."

Aren't they cute
trunk or treat

Going car to car
trunk or treat

And collecting candy
trunk or treat
After the third car, Izzy turned to me with a huge grin on her face and said, "This is SO.MUCH.FUN!!!"

Inside there were about a dozen kid friendly games - and more candy
trunk or treat

I love the look on Drew's face as he checks out this kids costume
trunk or treat

Picking out the perfect pumpkin
trunk or treat

Posing for pictures
trunk or treat

Once at home we checked out all our loot...candy
trunk or treat

and prizes
trunk or treat

I'd say we made out pretty well for our trial run of candy collecting!


Bill said...

I was checking for Halloween costume pictures - yay! They look so cute! Chris and Timmy went to our city's trick or trunk, but I was working a city booth, so I missed seeing them get --say it breathlessly-- FULL. SIZE. CANDY BARS. Sendy Wendy copies for the calendar! Timmy is (star wars) Boba Fet and Chris is going as an alien.
Aunt Sue

Christie said...

Cute costumes! I guess Drew didn't get sick of his costume even though he wears it all the time!

~aj~ said...

Aren't the trial runs great? It's given me a chance to snack on candy even before the real Halloween festivites began.

Love their costumes. I had a feeling that's what they'd be. :)