Friday, December 12, 2008

Back to Basics

No pictures today. ...just thought I should put that out there.

Back when I signed Izzy up for school three days a week, I assumed that every Monday Drew and I would go to the Children's Museum for some fun. Well, we did that for a couple weeks, but then I got greedy and started running errands and trying to clean my house. Well today I decided that I needed to remember my little guy and have some fun with him. So after we ran a quick errand we headed to Pump It Up.

Pump it Up is an indoor bounce place. I invited some of our other friends: Riley, Zach, Alexandra and their mommy's. When I told Drew who would be joining us he named them all off and then added, "Mama we gotta lot a friends!" I said we indeed do :) The kids had a blast and I worked up a nice sweat. While bouncing we got Chick-fil-A coupons for free kids meals. So, after I picked up Izzy from school we headed out for lunch. All of the above named friends joined us as well as Jen, Delaney and Mia. Lunch was had and then lots more indoor playing.

Now we are home for Drew's nap and Izzy's quiet time. After that we will head out for Izzy to do her Christmas shopping. I stole an idea from an online friend. She had her son pick out gifts for everyone at the dollar store and I thought that was such a great idea. I told Izzy about it and she can't wait to go. Of course she did ask if Drew would be getting a present for her. I am just excited to see what she picks out for everyone.