Monday, December 29, 2008

Disney on Ice

About 6 months ago we purchased some tickets to Disney on Ice for December 4th. I thought we should only get 2 tickets so either Pete or myself could go with Izzy, but Pete really thought Drew would be fine. So, we got tickets for all of us (and our friends RC and Stephanie). Well, unfortunately due to the death of my uncle we would be gone on December 4th. After trying to figure out how to manipulate the system and still be able to attend a show with the least cost to us we were able to change our tickets. Do you know that all it took was a phone call to Ticketmaster? Ticketmaster charges you ridiculous amounts for processing fees and taxes per ticket, but they sure were kind when switching our show date. Go figure. We were even upgraded and one dollar refunded to me since I had to pick up the tickets at will call. to the show we went!

We knew we had pretty good seats but our seats turned out to be very good. We were three rows from the ice. If the lady in front of us would not have been so big then our seats would have been perfect. Also, if I would have known that kids under 2 were free then I would have only bought 3 tickets and lied about Drew's age. Wrong, yes, but for $35 I would do it. Heck, he sat on my lap, Izzy sat on Pete's lap and RC on her mom's lap! We had 6 seats, but only used 3. Drew was a bit hesitant as we approached our seats. He whined a bit and said, "go back in mama's car". About 5 minutes into the show though, he was mesmerized.

RC and was loud so RC sat like this most of the show.

Daddy and his girl

Me and my boy

It was going back and seeing these pictures that I realized both my kids REALLY needed haircuts. We did get them a week later, but I did not take any pictures.

The show was about how Mickey and Minnie were kidnapped and needed to be saved by The Incredibles. It is after this show that Drew's love affair with Mr. Incredible really took off. Almost a month later and I am still referred to as Violet on a daily basis...and he is still walking around with a Tupperware container on his head.

Both kids sat like this for the entire show

While I was waiting in line to pick up our tickets the kids scoped out the loot table. Pete told them after the show they could each pick out something. Well, they both wanted binoculars so at the intermission Pete went to get them. $10 each. ...those were one of the cheaper gifts (heck, RC's gross lollipop was $4) and they still play with them.

It is very important when 3 rows back from the ice to use binoculars.

Some of the characters we saw. Each time someone Drew recognized would skate by our seats he would frantically wave and yell, "Hi _____". That kid cracks us up.

I think Pluto heard him


We can't forget about Buzz Lightyear (even though the picture if awful)


And last but not least, what would an ice show be without...