Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Christmas Day

Since there are lots of pictures to share, I guess I should just jump right in. We had a great Christmas over here. Heck, we had a great December - I still have more posts to come regarding some of the fun things that took place in December.

Christmas was really fun this year with a 2 and 3 year old. I can only imagine that the next few years will be even better! There really is nothing quite as magical as experiencing the wonderment of the season through the eyes of a child.

Setting out cookies, milk and a note for Santa.
We also left food for Santa's reindeer on the front lawn. The kids had so much fun sprinkling it all over. We have now had an increase in the number of squirrels spotted out front as well. ...guess they like reindeer food.

Once the kids were in bed, Pete and I got started on setting out the presents. I finished up some wrapping while Pete worked on some assembling.

Drew's tool bench - assembled by Pete

Izzy's Barbie Dream House - also assembled by Pete

Our stockings hung by the chimney with care...

It wasn't a late night wrapping and preparing for Christmas day. I think I went to bed around 11? The next morning Pete headed to Starbucks for coffee. It opened at 7 (Pete left at 6:45)and typically 7:15 is the earliest Izzy wakes up. Wouldn't you know she woke up as he pulled out the driveway. I had to keep her entertained upstairs for 30 min! Talk about tough stuff.

Once Pete got home, we woke up Drew and headed downstairs. The kids "big" gifts were in plain site, but didn't even get noticed for a good 5-10 min. As soon as we walked into the room where the gifts were, Izzy asked Drew is he wanted to open the gift she got for him. He said "Okay, Izzy." Izzy handed him his gift and then the two of them sat in the middle of the floor while Drew opened his reindeer headband :) I think we were all a bit misty eyed at the tender moment shared between the two of them. I have mentioned so many times what a gentle nature and caring heart Izzy has, but it really showcased itself at that moment. She then proceeded to hand out all the other gifts she selected. She was so excited to be passing out the gifts she hand selected - not even giving a thought to opening anything for herself. Sweet sweet girl.

Papa's gift
It was a lime green hockey stick. At the store she picked it up and said "Oh, Papa will love this cause he loves to golf." I told her it was a hockey stick and she said, "but that is okay, because it is shaped like a golf club so I know Papa will love it." Papa told Izzy it was the best gift he has ever gotten!

Izzy's other gift picks were: for me and my mom we each got a megaphone. Mine had Tinkerbell and was lime green. Omi's was blue with Ariel on it. Pete got a candy cane full of M&M's. Grandma and Grandpa each got bells that hang on the door. Grandma's were gold and had lots of small bells. Grandpa's was blue and was one large bell. Grandpa Dave got a door hanger as well, but his was a made of felt and a reindeer. She also picked out rubber piggy banks for her friends Delaney and Jack. Delaney's is purple and Jack's is blue. Izzy and Jack don't really ever see one another anymore, but she has been mentioning him quite a bit lately. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that he is moving.

Okay, back to Christmas morning. This was MY most favorite gift. Izzy made it at school. She brought it home in a gift bag that she had stamped with holiday images. There was also an angel ornament and sled ornament with her picture used on them. This was made from both her hands and her foot prints.

Finally after spotting their stockings and a couple well placed questions by Pete, Izzy saw her Barbie Dream House.

Izzy's most requested gift from Santa was Baby Alive. I had my reservations about this doll, but let me tell you that it is really really cute! I think my family is afraid I am going to turn into a crazy lady who carries a baby doll around. In my defense it really is pretty cool.

Drew's most requested gift from Santa was the Batcave (Pete influenced this request heavily). Here he is opening his present. Look at the level of concentration on his face.

Here are Omi and Papa looking at a photobook that I created for them.

Here is Papa reading the note that Santa left for Izzy and Drew.

Here is a shot of one of our many countdown to Christmas things. Growing up my mom made one of these for my brothers and me so I decided to do it with my kids. The funny thing is that over Thanksgiving both my brothers asked if I had made it yet. It is so simple, yet something that all three of us remember from our Christmases. Typically green poster board is used for the tree, but Izzy decided she wanted a yellow tree. Hey, yellow is a fun happy color so why not? Each day each child got to take off one Hershey kiss. Finally on the last day I remembered to get a picture.

After we opened all gifts and had breakfast we decided to go for a walk. While walking the golf course both kids wanted to burn some energy and run. Well, Drew had on his fuzzy crocs which aren't so great for running. The third fall resulted in a scraped nose - now he looks like Rudolph. He still loves the Batcave though!

Some things I want to remember...
While all the presents were great, the kids seem to be having so much fun with the harmonicas (my Monica as Drew calls it) and Slinky's. I really could have stopped at the stockings :) Also, it seems that both kids love one an other's gifts as much as their own. Izzy loves to play with the tool benchand Batcave and Drew LOVES to play with the Barbie horse and carriage and Barbie Dream House.


...don't even get me started on how he asks Baby Alive if she wants to play Batman with him. "Baby Alive, you wanna pay Batman wiff me? You wanna pay Batman wiff me Baby Alive?" It makes me think he may really dig another sibling :)


Pam said...

OMG, we have the same stockings! Pottery Barn is the best:) Glad you guys had a great Christmas!

Kristin said...

Oooooh, I like seeing you go back and forth with the 'nother sibling thoughts. :)

Looks like a very happy Christmas was had by all and I love seeing how sweet your kids are with one another. Those moments are definitely ones you won't want to forget...I'd better get blogging about my own around here!

Christie said...

Drew's red nose is too cute! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.