Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My 35th Birthday

It came. It went. I don't feel any different. Turning 30 was harder on me then turning 35.

We didn't really do anything yesterday. We kind of celebrated as a family on Saturday. Pete and I took the kids to the pool (we each worked out while one parent swam with the kids) and then we went out to a Hibachi restaurant for dinner. After dinner Pete and Izzy went to pick me up a present at Dick's Sporting Goods while Drew and I went to Target. We met back up at home where Izzy showed me that Pete bought her Dora Saves the Snow Princess for the Wii. ...hmmmm, thought they were shopping for me?

So yesterday, my actual birthday, Pete had to work so the kids and I just kind of hung out. We did go to the bank where the kids convinced the bank lady to give them each two lollipops. Then we went to Costco. We all ate lunch at Costco just off the awesome samples being given out! Pizza, salami, chicken nuggets, chips and dips, veggies with hummus, tiramisu, chocolate milk...all sorts of greats stuff.

Once at home I treated myself to a nap while Izzy had quiet time and Drew napped. Then Pete took the kids to DQ to pick up my requested cake. Once they got back home we had dinner - well the kids did as I didn't want any dinner because I just planned to gorge myself on wine and ice cream cake - Izzy wanted to know when my friends would be here for the party. I had to explain that it was just us. I think she was genuinely sad for me that I wasn't going to get a party.

I didn't need a stinkin party. I had my DQ cake and my favorite party pals!

Before blowing out the candles I told the kids I needed a kiss.


And finally I made my wish...

I must say the cake was not up to DQ standards. I was disappointed in both the appearance and the writing. Pete wasn't sure the lady spoke English, and they were out of cakes so she had to go whip it up in the back. Oh well...it was still good enough that I ate 2 pieces last night and 2 more so far today!

Onto the gifts...
Izzy picked out a new red coffee mug for me from Starbucks. She picked it out because she knows my favorite color is red and that I love me my Starbucks coffee! I also got a new BPA free waterbottle. Izzy also picked this out (I showed her the kind I wanted her to look for on the computer) and she did great getting me a pretty pink one. Now I will feel like I am doing something good for the earth (part of one of my New Year's resolution type plans) by using this at the gym.

My super sweet husband bought me a new camera! Well, he hasn't bought it yet as I am still debating between two. However, I am pretty sure I will go with the Canon Rebel. I want one that has interchangeable lenses. I ALSO want a new point and shoot to carry around in my purse and/or diaper bag. I certainly won't want to ruin my fancy camera and if it is in my diaper bag then it would be in danger :)

We can't forget my new sewing machine which was a gift for my birthday from my mom. And my in-laws got me a gift card to Target. Thanks! And last but not least I got lots and lots of birthday wishes from all sorts of friends that I have reconnected with on facebook. If you want to feel like a superstar on your birthday just get yourself a FB account!

Overall I am looking forward to being 35. I am at a very comfortable place in my life and I love it. For the first time since having kids I can finally breathe a little easier and am looking forward to having a bit more time to think about "me" this year :)


Christie said...

Awww....Happy birthday Molly! Sounds like you had a great day surrounded by those you love. And of course, you cannot go wrong with ice cream cake and wine : )