Thursday, December 18, 2008

Meet Buzz Lightyear

Drew is very much into Buzz Lightyear as well as Mr. Incredible these days. We are currently on day 5 of Drew and his new accessory. ...a Tupperware container worn on his head.


He wears that container on his head all day long. And by all day, I mean ALL DAY! He wears it to take Izzy to school. He wears it while we run errands (both while sitting in his carseat and in the stores). He wears it while he eats. He even wears it when he goes to sleep. When you ask him who he is he usually responds, "Buzz Lightyear. Space Ranger." Every once in a while he decides to be Mr. Incredible. ...and when he is in the Mr. Incredible roll then I am Violet ;) He even likes to pretend that we talk on the phone and he addresses me as Violet.

I love that both my kids have such great imaginations and enjoy playing pretend. I even love that he wears that goofy hat out in public - it certainly is a conversation starter. He gets many smiles, especially from the older ladies.

...and here is a picture of Miss Iz as to not be outdone by Buzz.


Anonymous said...

oh, i love it! he is too funny!! miss izzy looks gorgeous too!

~aj~ said...

Okay, I seriously laughed out loud that Drew wears that hat everywhere. So stinkin cute!!!