Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Cookies

I am so far behind on things that I need to blog about - I still have Thanksgiving stuff, plus all the other Christmas crafts and baking we have been doing. But, I thought since I am behind as it is that I would just pick right up and blog about what we did today.

We started off our morning with a fun playdate at one of Izzy's classmates house. Her mom was brave enough to invite all the girls in Izzy's class over for a couple hours. There were 7 girls from Izzy's class, Drew, and another little girl that one of the mom's watches. The girls (and Drew) had so much fun! It went so smoothly that I think I will offer to host another girl playdate in January. ...I didn't break out the camera though because I don't know the moms well enough to let them in on my camera/blog obsession.

So, once home from the playdate we had lunch, watched a Christmas show and by 1 the kids were down for nap and quiet time. At 3 RC and her mom arrived and we got to work on making some Christmas cookies. I found a "no chill" dough so we whipped that up and were suprised at how well the cookies turned out. I had about 5 Christmas cookie cutters, but the girls also insisted on using Valentine's Day cookie cutters as well.

Here is Drew showing off the "X" cookie cutter (from Valentine's Day XOXO set). If it were an "L" then he could be showing me the loser sign :)

Getting down and dirty with the flour

Cookies just bring out the best in people

Drew taste testing. Next time he should go for the dough and not the flour.

Nothing makes Izzy happier than a little kitchen creativity.


We have lots of fun stuff planned for this weekend. We plan to make our gingerbread house and possibly visit the Grinch at his castle. Til then~


~aj~ said...

More cookies?! YUMMY! This seriously is the best time of year, isn't it? :)