Saturday, December 27, 2008

Check Me Out


Possible mid-life crisis?

I am about to turn 35 on Monday.

So, a few weeks ago my mom calls me to discuss my birthday present. She tells me that she is getting a sewing machine and wonders if I want one. I pause. I think. Do I want a sewing machine? Well, I am not sure? I tell my mom that I was just recently thinking how nice it would be to learn to sew. I had even joked about it with Pete. You see, I don't own a needle and thread. I *may* have a sewing kit that I got in a hotel room, but I couldn't tell you where? My mom goes on to say that she will teach me how to use it while she is here at Christmas. So, did I want a sewing machine...

Sure, why not! I certainly would like to own one, but it wasn't something that I was planning to purchase. I tell my mom that I think having a sewing machine would be great, but don't expect me to use it often. In fact, chances are I won't really use it much in the next year or two. You see, there are many lessons I want to take in the future, but like most moms my needs are placed on the back burner. I certainly am not complaining as I LOVE and ADORE being home with my kids...I just wanted my mom to understand why this piece of equiptment would sit alone in a closet for quite some time.

Good to her word my mom hooked me up with my first lesson while she was here over Christmas. I had recently bought some curtains, if you can call them curtains as they are more like one long piece of fabric that I loop and drape, that needed to be hemmed. You want to know how not sewing savvy I am? I didn't realize that you needed thread come from both the top and bottom to sew a stitch. I think should I have given it some thought (cause WHY would I really ever think about such a thing) I might have figured it out, but I didn't know when my mom was setting up my machine. The set up alone with threading the bobbin and all the other junk that needed prepping took forever. Then we had to measure, chalk, cut, measure again, hem, measure again, sew some more - and that was only the FIRST curtain.

Bless Izzy and Drew because they sat at the table watching me sew and cheering the entire time. Each time I stopped they would applaud and say "yeah Mama!" In fact, Izzy has already requested that I sew her a dinosaur.

I must be going through a mid-life crisis of some sort, huh? Soon I will be sewing my own clothes, homeschooling, growing my own veggies, giving up my cell phone and Starbucks, and not shaving :)


Christie said...

They will kick you out NC and send you over to Seattle if you grow your own veggies, sew your own clothes, and stop shaving your legs! But Starbucks would still be must :)

Let me know if the sewing thing works out - I might like to try it. It would certainly be useful.

Kristin said...

Oh wow! Look at mom is supposed to be letting me borrow her machine soon but I'll need some lessons too. The last time I sewed anything I was about 12. And Jason's the one who fixes buttons in this house!

Pam said...

Congrats! I've wanted a sewing machine for a while now, but haven't the guts to get one. What would I sew anyway?