Saturday, May 9, 2009

Outing to Lowe's

Lowe's home store was offering a workshop for children today to create a Mother's Day planter. I suggested it to Pete last night and he thought it sounded like a great idea. My thought was he could take Izzy and the two of them would have a great time together. Izzy is really into planting, and of course she loves to make gifts for people so this was right up her alley. I suggested he leave Drew home with me. At 2.5 and a new "non-napper" he is unpredictable with his moods - to say the least! I had visions of Drew grabbing at hammers, running up and down the lumber section, climbing on the ladders, etc. Against my better judgement, Pete took Drew. He took him to give me some time to clean my desk.

Shortly after they left I got this picture sent to my phone.

Poor Drew. Poor Pete!

Here is a picture from "Happier Times" as Pete titled it.

The planters were really cute though and each child got an apron and official "planter" patch.

The planter

On the way home from Lowe's both kids fell asleep. This never happens, and certainly not at 11:30 am! Rather than try and bring them into the house and hope they'd stay asleep, we decided to drive around. Pete dropped me at Dillards where I got a new bathing suit.

Around 4 we headed to a carnival. We were meeting up with some friends for riding fun! Unfortunately about 20 minutes into our fun it started to rain.

Drew got as far as to get on this ride (between the girls) but then decided he didn't want to ride.


Drew jumped in the Elmo bounce house while Izzy took in a couple more rides.


Due to the rain, we quickly left and headed to dinner with our friends. For as long as we had to wait for both a table, and then our meal, the kids did incredibly well!

While we waited the kids posed for some pictures.




Pete and I decided that we would take the kids back to the carnival tomorrow so we could use up the rest of our tickets. I can think of nothing better than a funnel cake to celebrate my special day!


~aj~ said...

Mmmmm, funnel cake! That is definitely a great way to celebrate. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend.

And just cuz I'm curious...did Dillards have swimsuits on sale? I'd like a new one for this year, but would like to find a good deal on one. :)