Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Really? No, Honestly, Really?

This morning I am upstairs making the bed and the kids are downstairs watching tv. A few minutes later I hear Izzy scream, "Moooooooommmmmmm! Mooooooooooommmmmm!!!!!"

me: What Izzy?
Izzy: Mom, I can't SEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! (seriously by the way she was shrieking you would have thought she literally could not see)
me: What can't you see?
Izzy: The TV!!!!!!! (in the most annoyed voice)
me: Why not?
Izzy: DREW.IS.IN.MY.WAY!!! Tell him to moooooovvvvvveeeeee!
me: Izzy, why don't you ask him nicely to move?
Izzy: Oh, okay. (pause) He moved.

Really? Honestly? This child who is so bright and so smart and amazes me daily with her logic and reasoning skills (as well as the skills she uses to manipulate her brother and us) can't figure out that it would have been easiest to ask him herself? Really? Think of the time it would have saved.



Anonymous said...

We would love to see the finished shelving unit for the playroom. . .and the "pocket door." We are so proud of your fast-track in carpentry skills Pete! Can Molly show it off in a future blog?
Also, we enjoyed the strawberry patch pics, especially the little goat. M & D