Thursday, May 21, 2009

Super Cool

This entry way into my kitchen is currently my most favorite area in the house! You ask, how can that be? Your husband just built you super cool cabinets in the playroom? Well, take a look...


What are those you ask? Well here, take a closer look...


Still don't know? Well, they are notice boards from Ikea. A clear laminate board that you can write on with dry erase markers, and clip memos/notes too. I was going to paint three rectangles a bit larger than the noticeboard to kind of frame them. ...but...Pete came up with the brilliant idea to put a picture behind them since they are clear. BRILLIANT!

So, the first thing the kids and I did yesterday was doodle on them...




Since these pictures were taken yesterday, I have added various lists to the boards, as well as notes, coupons, and bills to be paid. I LOVE them! Like I new favorite :)


~aj~ said...

GENIUS! And those photos look fantastic!

Christie said...

Those are very cool. I need to make a trip out to Ikea...the closest one to us is an hour away!