Saturday, May 16, 2009

Strawberry Picking

Today the kids and I left Pete to fend for himself for the day. My amazing husband is putting a shelving unit in our playroom, as well as a pocket door! He needed some time to finish up some sawing, painting, installing and molding so the kids and I headed strawberry picking. Since Stephanie's husband was gone, they tagged along as well!

Who'd a thunk we'd find goats at the strawberry patch?


After feeding the goats we waited for the tractor to take us to the strawberry fields. The girls are super excited! And Drew, well he is just a super stud with his cap on backwards. Only he wears it backwards cause some guy on Imagination Movers wears it that way.


Finally we were turned loose! Unfortunately it started to rain minutes after we started so we didn't collect as many berries as we would have liked. However, we were told that there are 30 days from a bloom of berry picking. Luckily we saw many blooms so we can go back again!




After all our hard energy was spent berry picking we needed a treat. Strawberry something? Nope! We went with good 'ole chocolate and vanilla ice-cream. Not all was lost on those delicious berries though as Stephanie and I had strawberry cobbler with a scoop of ice-cream.






Izzy has an entire menu planned consisting of all strawberry filled goodies! I can't wait to start baking!


~aj~ said...

Now those are some super cute pictures of some super cute kids!

And if you need a strawberry recipe, you've gotta make this cake. I made it last week and could have eaten the entire thing myself. So good!