Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Big Snow 2009

Last reported we had some friends over due to the big snow storm brewing and their lack of power. Well, our friends left about 8ish and I got the kids off to bed. Our power flickered on and off a few times but didn't go out...until 1:30 am. My mind began to race as I listened to globs of snow fall from the trees onto our roof. I wondered if I should bring the kids in bed with us? I was fearful a tree would fall into the house (it happened September 2006). We have a vacant lot next to us with lots of dead trees. I also wondered about how much food we would lose due to the power outage. Eventually I left the kids in their own beds and fell back to sleep. Thankfully the power came back on before morning.

As our luck would have it a tree did fall in the middle of the night. As Pete was getting ready to leave he noticed a tree directly in front of my car. We haven't had a chance to closely inspect my car (too much snow) but we think we got lucky and it simply fell in front of my car! ...here's hoping it didn't bounce off the hood first.

So onto the obvious...the snow. I figure we got 4 or 5 inches? The kids, of course, were itching to go outside and make snow angels, snow men, snow dogs, snow balls, crazy footprint paths, etc. Hmmmm, what to do with the girl in the cast? It should also be noted that my kids don't have snow pants. If I would have known we were going to get a couple snows this year then I would have bought some - I will invest in some for next year. I was just fortunate we had snow boots! So we bundled up in layers, wrapped Izzy's cast in a bag, and headed out to our winter wonderland.








~aj~ said...

You're covered in snow and we're wearing shorts. This weather is just crazy!