Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend Recap

We had such a nice weekend. It was beautiful outside! Mid 70's and sunny. ...hard to imagine that only 5 days earlier the city was shut down due to 6 inches of snow.

Although the weekend was beautiful I was fearful that it would be our hardest weekend yet for Izzy due to her cast. With less than a week left of her cast (assuming it has healed) she finally let me start to work on it. I got as far as writing her name on the bottom of her foot before she decided she didn't want me to "mess it up". Oh well.

She did a little creative doodling of her own as well.

We made our first trip of the season to Brusters. It happened to be PJ day, meaning anyone who wore pj's got a free waffle cone. The cones were huge! I didn't wear my pj's but it was all good - I still ate 3/4 of each kids cone.


Here's Drew waiting for his cone and checking out Scoops. Drew is still well under the free cone height limit.

Good Stuff





Once we got back home, Pete and Izzy took a trip to Build A Bear. We told her she could build a bear for her birthday and she finally called us out on it. I gave Pete the 411 on how Build A Bear operates and told him to not encourage additional accessories.

Here is the finished project...



Hello Kitty: complete with pj's, slippers, bow, purse, and added sound (a kitty meow). Pete said, "I stood firm and didn't let her get the chair for Hello Kitty to sit in." Good for you big guy. Good for you!

This cast has been the most expensive injury ever! ...and to think we are planning a "cast off" party at her school. Chances are she will get some sort of gift as well. Maybe, just maybe, she will get her Hello Kitty chair.

Hey Pete...why don't you pick that up for me big guy ;)


Anonymous said...

hilarious comment to Pete!

Cy Slapnicka said...
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Anonymous said...

you should call it a "cast away" party and get her a wilson volleyball!