Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Izzy update: we are on day 6 post cast and she still is not walking. In fact, she is not even attempting to walk. Pete and I are trying to encourage movement, but I think we are both frustrated with how cautious she is being. We are supposed to head to Disney soon and might need to really rethink that plan if she doesn't show some major improvement quickly! We already postponed the trip when she broke her leg so we won't postpone it again, but rather cancel. I spoke to Dr. J when he dropped his daughter at school the other day and he said not to worry until the 2 week mark. I will try not to worry, but I might not continue to be so understanding with the little miss and her lack of motivation.

So, today both kids got dressed in green and we headed out for some errands.

Izzy making us some green pancakes

Add little food coloring and the kids inhaled an obscene amount of food

Drew in his new favorite spot - in front of my computer!

So today the kids and I went to Stride Rite to buy new shoes. Drew officially has passed Izzy in shoe size. Drew is a size 9XW and Izzy is still and 8.5 (no longer a wide though). I knew this day would eventually come, but really I didn't think it would be quite this soon. So, both kids got new tennis shoes, only Izzy's are also a size 9 so she can wear them in the fall (heck, her 8.5 still fit).

After shoe shopping we went to lunch with some friends. Both kids were so well behaved! I never worry about Izzy, but Drew I never stop worrying about! I feel as if he could crack at any minute, anywhere. He always keeps me on my toes.

After lunch we made a quick stop at the pet store to look at fish. Pete has told the kids they could get a fish after we get back from Florida. Izzy wants a pink one to be named Cassie and Drew wants a blue and green one to be named Zak and Wheezy. Both names are from Dragon Tale characters, the kicker is that Zak and Wheezy are a two headed dragon. So, we did find a pink fish, but not a two headed blue and green fish.

Once home Drew took a nice nap and Izzy watched a movie. Pete came home and I went for a run. While on my run I found $5! I looked around to see if anyone was around who may have dropped it but there was not, so I picked it up. I then looked around to see if I could find anymore money! No such luck.

...guess who is treating herself to a venti mocha from Starbucks tomorrow after she drops Izzy at school :)


Christie said...

Oh, sorry Izzy is not walking yet. She must've really grown attached to her cast, especially since she was crying so much after it was removed. She will be back to normal soon!

BTW, Benny wear a size 9 shoe and he is 6 months older than Drew!