Friday, March 13, 2009


Me: cutting out construction paper and cardboard in circles for Izzy to use to make Backyardigan Hopscotch chips. ...cause of course she wants to play hopscotch - the kid can't even stand on her own yet!!!!!

Izzy: coloring in her highchair

Drew: armed and dangerous with a WASHABLE marker

Exhibit A: the molding around the door between the back hall and playroom.

Exhibit B: a drawer and cabinet in the kitchen.

As soon as Drew proudly finished his artwork he immediately called me to see his oh so fine creations. I was SHOCKED, to say the least. At almost 2 1/2 years of age this is the first time he has ever colored on anything other than paper. Why now?

I immediately tried to clean off the magenta marker only to realize that washable is not really all that simple to clean!

Thank goodness for that Mr. Clean and his magic eraser! Marker marks are now gone :)


~aj~ said...

As soon as I saw these pics, I was going to tell you MAGIC ERASER! That thing is amazing!