Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Perfect Day

...yesterday just might have been. The kids and I had breakfast, did some cleaning, and then headed to the pool.

We swam, swam, and swam some more. Izzy now goes down the water slide and off the diving board WITHOUT her vest. She is able to swim unassisted to the side. She is by no means a strong swimmer, and I certainly can't let her swim without me nearby, but she has made HUGE strides in the last few days. She can also do a pretty darn good cannonball off the diving board. OH! ...and today she showed me that she can dive. SHE CAN DIVE! REALLY. WELL! I was shocked!

Anyway, we were at the pool from 11:30-5:30. Once we got home (we walk to and from the pool) the kids and I ran to the store to find dinner. Back home by 6...the kids ate and were in bed by 7!

It was a perfect day :)


Jaclyn said...

Sounds like a really great day! Wish I was there!