Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Road Trip

The kids and I are gearin up to head on out. We are leaving tomorrow to make a dash for O-H-I-O.

The timing stinks, but we have to go. My Mom and Al just sold their house in Wooster and I need to lay claim to the furniture I want. However, since Pete won't be making the trip with me, I am not sure what I will do once I figure out what I want? Our original plan was to both make the trip, then load up a U-haul, bring it back and store it here in Greensboro til we move. We would have to put it in a storage locker though because we are about to list our house and certainly don't need any more clutter. ...now that Pete is staying here to ready the house...well, not sure what will happen.

So, the kids and I have packed some toys, rented some movies and jammed packed our three day trip back to Ohio with visits to lots of friends! It is a 7 hour drive without stops. The longest it has taken my is almost 11 hours, and the shortest is 8.5. My goal is 8-8.5 hours. Send good vibes and prayers for safe travels, and happy cooperative kiddos.

I am sure lots of updating will be done once we return.

Happy 4th of July to you all~


Christie said...

Have a great trip. Wish I was there to see you!

jac said...

Be safe and have a good trip! Happy 4th!

~aj~ said...

Hope you and the kids are having a great time!